Baby Love Me The Same

High Beginner
Julia Wetzel (USA) - September 2015
Locked Away (feat. Adam Levine) - R. City

** Thanks to my daughter Jessica Wetzel for suggesting this song **

Intro: 36 counts (approx. 23 seconds into track)
Note: This is an easier version of my dance Love Me The Same (Easy Int.)

[1 – 8] Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Side, Together, Side, Touch, ¼ Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Side, Together, Side, Touch
Note: Take small steps in this section (1-8)
1&2&Step R to right side (1), Touch L next to R (&), Step L to L side (2), Touch R next to L (&) 12:00
3&4&Step R to right side (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R to right side (4), Touch L next to R (&) 12:00
5&6&¼ Turn left step L to left side (5), Touch R next to L (&), Step R to right side (6), Touch L next to R (&) 9:00
7&8&Step L to left side (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L to left side (8), Touch R next to L (&) 9:00

[9 – 17] ¼ Step, Step-Touch (3x), Rock, ½ Shuffle, ½
1, 2&¼ Turn right step R fw (1), Step L fw to left diag. (2), Touch R next to L (&) 12:00
3&4&Step R fw to right diag. (3), Touch L next to R (&), Step L fw to left diag. (4), Touch R next to L (&) 12:00
5, 6Rock R fw (5), Recover on L (6) 12:00
7&8, 1¼ Turn right step R to right side (7), Step L next to R (&), ¼ Turn right step R fw (8), ½ Turn right stepping back on L (1) 12:00
Easier non-turning option: Step R back (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R back (8), Step L back (1)

[18 – 25] Mambo, Locking Steps, Touch, Touch, ¼ Kick, Ball, Step
2&3Rock back on R (2), Recover on L (&), Step R fw (3) 12:00
&4&5Lock L behind R (&), Step R fw (4), Lock L behind R (&), Step R fw (5) 12:00
6-7Touch L fw (6), Touch L to left side (7) 12:00
8&1¼ Turn left and kick L fw (8), Step ball of L next to R (&), Step R fw (1) 9:00

[26 – 32] Rocking Chair, Step, Step, ½ Pivot, Full Paddle Turn
2&3&4Rock L fw (2), Recover on R (&), Rock back on L (3), Recover on R (&), Step L fw (4) 9:00
5, 6Step R fw (5), Pivot ½ turn left step L fw (6) 3:00
7, 8Touch R fw and paddle ½ turn left taking weight on L (7), Touch R fw and paddle ½ turn left taking weight on L (8) 3:00
Easier non-turning option: Small step R fw (7), Step L next to R (8)

TAG: At the end of Wall 3 & 7 both facing 9:00, do the ”V-Step” for 4 counts before starting the next wall:
1-4Step R fw to right side (1), Step L to left side (2), Step R back to center (3), Step L nex to R (4) 9:00

Ending: On Wall 10 dance up to count 16 (finishing ½ shuffle facing 9:00) then continue ¼ turn right step L to left side to face 12:00
