Ritmo do Amor (Rhythm of Love).
Phrased Easy Novice - Kuduro Rhythm
José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL), Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - June 2015
O Ritmo do Amor (Kuduro) - Emanuel : (CD: Ritmo do Amor 2011)
Introduction: 64 counts, at the beat starts (free variation). Start on vocal approx. 36 sec.
Sequence: A, A, B, A, A, B 24, A, A, B, A, A ending.
A Pattern – 32 counts.
Part Al. 1-8: Step Across Fwd, Side, Back, Cross & Cross, Side, Hold, R Chasse.
1-2&Step R slightly across L forward, step L to L, step R slightly back.
3&4Step L across R, step R to R, step L across R.
5-6Step R to R, Hold.
&7&8Step L next to R, step R to R, step L next to R, step R to R. (12:00)
PART AII. 9-16: Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Syncopated Weave L, Heel Diag, Hold, Point, Together.
1-2&Step L across R, recover back onto R, step L to L.
3&4&Step R across L, step L to L, step R behind L, step L to L.
5-6Touch R heel diagonal forward, Hold.
7-8Point R to R, step R next to L.
PART AIII. 17-24: Side, Cross, Side, Touch In Diagonal (2X)
1-2Step L to L in diagonal (towards 10.30 and facing 1.30). step R across L.
3-4Step L to L in diagonal (towards 10.30 and facing 1.30), touch R to R.
5-6Step R to R in diagonal (towards 4.30 and facing 1.30), step L across R.
7-8Making 1/8 turn L step R to R, touch L to L squaring up at (12:00).
PART AIV. 25-32: Rolling Vine L, Scuff Fwd, Jazzbox ½ R.
1-2Making ¼ turn L step L forward, making ½ turn L step R back.
3-4Making ¼ turn L step L to L, scuff R forward.
5-6Step R across L, making ¼ turn R, step L back.
7-8Making ¼ turn R to R, step L forward.
B Pattern – 32 counts.
Part Bl. 1-8: Shuffle Fwd, ½ Turning Shuffle, ½ Turning Shuffle, Fwd Rock, Recover.
1&2Step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward.
3&4Making ½ turn R step L back, step R beside L, step L back.
5&6Making ½ turn R step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward.
7-8Step L forward, recover back onto R.
PART BII. 9-16: ½ Turning Shuffle, ½ Turning Shuffle, Back Rock, Recover, ¼ L, Cross & Cross.
1&2Making ½ turn L step L forward, step R beside L, step L forward.
3&4Making ½ turn L step R back, step L beside R, step R back.
5-6Step L back, recover back onto R.
7&8Making ¼ turn L step L across R, step R to R, step L across R. (9:00)
PART BIII. 17-24: Side, Together, Side, Touch, Side, Together, ¼ R, Back, Touch.
1-4Step R to R, step L next to R, step R to R, touch L next to R.
5-8Step L to L, step R next to L, making ¼ turn R step L back, touch R next to L. (12:00)
Restart here in Part B after 24 counts (See above sequence).
(Note part lll: During count 1 to 6 making chest pumps forward).
PART BIV. 25-32: Step, Hitch, ½ R, Replace, Hitch, Back Rock, Recover, Walks Fwd R-L.
1-4Step R forward, hitch L knee up, making ½ turn R over your R shoulder step L back in place, hitch R knee up.
5-8Step R back, recover back onto L, walk R forward, walk L forward. (6:00)
Dance Edit, email: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com, jose_nl@hotmail.com, royverdonkdancers@gmail.com.