Skiff A Billi

Berit Hansen (DK) - October 2009
Skiff-A-Billy Line Dance - Johnny Earle

Section 1: Vine Right With Kick / Clap & Step
1-2Step right to right side. Step left behind right
3-4Step right to right side. Kick left in front right with clap
5-6Step left beside right & kick right in front left with clap
7-8Step right in place & kick left in front right with clap

Section 2: Vine Left With Kick / Clap & Step
1-2Step left to left side. Step right behind left
3-4Step left to left side. Kick right in front left with clap
5-6Step right beside left. Kick left in front right with clap
7-8Step left in place. Kick right in front left with clap

Section 3: Paddle turns 1/4 Turn Left x 4
1-2Touch right in front left & 1/4 turn left
3-4Touch right in front left & 1/4 turn left
5-6Touch right in front left & 1/4 turn left
7-8Touch right in front left & 1/4 turn left

Section 4: Knee rolls With Hold
1-2Roll right knee in & hold
3-4Roll left knee en & hold
5-6Roll right knee in & left knee in
7-8Roll right knee in & hold

Section 5: Toe strut ¼ Right x 2
1-2Right toe strut ¼ turn right
3-4Left toe strut beside right
5-6Right toe strut ¼ turn right
7-8Left toe strut beside right

Section 6: Hip bumps With Hold
1-2Hip bumps twice to left side
3-4Hip bumps twice to right side
5-6Hip bumps to left & right side
7-8Hip bumps to left & hold

Contact – Submitted by :- Britt -