
Trevor Thornton (USA) & Kelly Cavallaro (USA) - November 2014
Swingin' - John Anderson & Colt Ford

Kick and Locks , Walk, Walk, Sailor step
1&2&Kick Right foot forward, Step down on right, Lock Left foot behind Right, Step forward on right
3&4Kick Left foot forward, Step down on left, Lock Right foot behind left
5,6Step left forward, Step right forward
7&8Step left behind, step right next to left, step left foot forward

Sailor step, Full turn, Syncopated weave
9 &10Step right behind, step left next to right, step right foot forward
11,12Hook left foot behind right, full unwind with weight ending on left
13Step right foot to right side
14&15Step left foot behind right, step right foot out to right, cross left foot over right
16Step Right foot out to right

Shoulder bumps, Body roll with a turn, Jazz box
17,18Bump left shoulder to the left, Bump right shoulder to the right
19,20Roll left shoulder down, turning a 1/4 to the left, Scuff right foot forward
21-24Cross right over left, Step left foot back, Step right foot next to left, Step left foot forward

Walk, Walk, Kick ball change, Sway, Sway
25,26Walk right , walk left
27&28Kick right foot forward, step right next to left, step left
29,30Step right foot forward at an angle, dipping body down, Touch left foot next to right, bringing body back up
31,32Step left foot forward at an angle, dipping body down, Touch right foot next to left, bringing body back up


Any questions, contact us:
Trevor Thornton - Trevort17@yahoo.com
Kelly Cavallaro - Riddlerofdance7@gmail.com