We're Here! Brenda Jeffery (UK)
32 拍數 4 牆數 Intermediate 音樂: The British Are Comin' - Ronnie Beard
Rock, Then Roll Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
32 拍數 4 牆數 Intermediate 音樂: The British Are Comin' - Ronnie Beard
The British Are Coming Elle-Jay Bilby & Paula Bilby (UK)
32 拍數 4 牆數 Improver 音樂: The British Are Comin' - Ronnie Beard
The British Are Coming! Dave Gillett (UK) & Lynne Gillett (UK)
32 拍數 - 牆數 - 音樂: The British Are Comin' - Ronnie Beard