Dundas, Hamilton, ON國家:
(905) 628-0202Susanne Harrison has choreographed 3 dances, of which 1 has been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Michael from October 2007, with their most recent stepsheet of Atlanta Reel also in October 2007.
Michael Susanne Harrison (CAN)
64 拍數 - 牆數 - 音樂: I Don't Care If You Love Me Anymore - The Mavericks
Blackbird Susanne Harrison (CAN) & Zandra McCallum (CAN)
- 拍數 - 牆數 - 音樂: Down Came a Blackbird - Lila McCann
Atlanta Reel Susanne Harrison (CAN)
64 拍數 4 牆數 - 音樂: Atlanta Reel - Michael Omartin