United Kingdom電話:
0138 874 6569Pauline Henderson has choreographed 3 dances, of which none have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Next Thing Smokin' from October 2007, with their most recent stepsheet of Haunt My Dreams also in October 2007.
Haunt My Dreams Pauline Henderson (UK)
32 拍數 4 牆數 Beginner 音樂: Photographs - Dixon J. Scott
Too Country Pauline Henderson (UK)
32 拍數 4 牆數 Improver 音樂: Too Country and Proud of It - Billy Yates
Next Thing Smokin' Pauline Henderson (UK)
32 拍數 4 牆數 Improver 音樂: The Next Thing Smokin' - Tom Russell