-Brenda Jean Miller has choreographed 3 dances, of which none have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Magic Forest from October 2007, with their most recent stepsheet of Moonglow (P) in July 2017.
Cabin Fever Brenda Jean Miller
40 拍數 2 牆數 Intermediate 音樂: From Good to Bad to Worse to Gone - Ricochet
Magic Forest Brenda Jean Miller
40 拍數 2 牆數 Beginner 音樂: Drinkin' My Baby Goodbye - Charlie Daniels
Moonglow (P) Brenda Jean Miller - July 2017
32 拍數 - 牆數 Beginner Pattern Partner Circle 音樂: Walking Backwards - Brandon Sandefur