-Anita Wittenberg has choreographed 3 dances, of which none have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Rilassamento from May 2011, with their most recent stepsheet of Life Is A Long Way To Run (漫漫人生路) (zh) in Feburary 2012.
Rilassamento Anita Wittenberg - January 2010
48 拍數 2 牆數 Intermediate 音樂: Rilassamento - Gianni Pavesi
Rilassamento (放輕鬆) (zh) Anita Wittenberg - 2010年01月
48 拍數 2 牆數 Intermediate 音樂: Rilassamento - Gianni Pavesi
Life Is A Long Way To Run (漫漫人生路) (zh) Anita Wittenberg - 2009年01月
32 拍數 4 牆數 Improver 音樂: Life Is A Long Way To Run - Dancelife