32 拍數 4 牆數 Improver 音樂: 15 Minutes - Rodney Atkins : (CD Album: "It's America", CD Label: Curb Records, Released March 31, 2009)
32 拍數 4 牆數 Beginner 音樂: Ala-Freakin-Bama - Trace Adkins : (CD Single: Ala-Freakin-Bama, Capitol Records)
32 拍數 4 牆數 Intermediate east coast swing 音樂: Meat and Potato Man - Brice Long
64 拍數 2 牆數 Intermediate west coast swing 音樂: Off My Rocker - Billy Currington
40 拍數 4 牆數 Improver 音樂: Outside the Lines - Cory Morrow
32 拍數 4 牆數 Improver west coast swing 音樂: Rebelicious - Jamey Johnson
32 拍數 4 牆數 Beginner 音樂: The Watering Hole - Gord Bamford : (Album: Life Is Good)