Sec 1: Side, rock behind, weave left.
1 – 4Step right foot to the side, slide left towards right, rock left behind right, recover onto right foot.
5 – 8Step left foot to the side, right behind left, step left foot to the side, step right foot across left. [12]
Sec 2: Side Toe strut, rock behind, weave right, ¼ turn, brush.
1 – 4Step left toe to the left side, snap left heel down, rock right behind left, recover onto left foot.
5 – 8Step right foot to the side, left behind right, ¼ turn right step right forward, brush left foot forward. [3]
Sec 3: Lock step forward, hold, ½ turn left, step forward hold.
1 – 4Step left foot forward, lock right behind left, step left foot forward, hold.
5 – 8Step right foot forward, ½ turn left, step right foot forward, hold. [9]
Sec 4 Full turn right travelling forward, hold side together back, hold.
1 – 4Make a full turn right stepping L, R, L travelling forward, hold (option shuffle forward L, R, L).
5 – 8Step right foot to the side, close left to right, step right foot back, hold. [9]
Sec 5: Chasse Left, hold, cross rock, side rock.
1 – 4Chasse To the left side L, R, L, hold.
5 – 8Rock right foot across left, recover, rock right foot to the side, recover, [9]
Sec 6: Behind ¼ turn, half turn, hold, coaster step, hold.
1 – 4Step right foot behind left, ¼ turn left step left forward, ½ turn left step right foot back, hold.
5 – 8Step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward hold. [12] * restart on wall 3*
Sec 7: Scissor step x2.
1 – 4Step right foot to the side, close left towards right, step right foot across left, hold.
5 – 8Step left foot to the side, close right towards left, step left foot across right, hold. [12]
Sec 8: Ball cross, side, ¼ turn, coaster step.
1 – 4ball of right foot to the side, step left across right, step right foot to the side (start to turn left), hold
5 – 8¼ turn left step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward hold. [9]
Restart wall 3 facing 6 o’clock dance up to and including section 6 then restart the dance
Ending The music will end just after completing section 4, then just make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot to face the front.
Happy Dancing - Adrian x
Contact - E-mail danceade@hotmail.co.uk
1 – 4Step right foot to the side, slide left towards right, rock left behind right, recover onto right foot.
5 – 8Step left foot to the side, right behind left, step left foot to the side, step right foot across left. [12]
Sec 2: Side Toe strut, rock behind, weave right, ¼ turn, brush.
1 – 4Step left toe to the left side, snap left heel down, rock right behind left, recover onto left foot.
5 – 8Step right foot to the side, left behind right, ¼ turn right step right forward, brush left foot forward. [3]
Sec 3: Lock step forward, hold, ½ turn left, step forward hold.
1 – 4Step left foot forward, lock right behind left, step left foot forward, hold.
5 – 8Step right foot forward, ½ turn left, step right foot forward, hold. [9]
Sec 4 Full turn right travelling forward, hold side together back, hold.
1 – 4Make a full turn right stepping L, R, L travelling forward, hold (option shuffle forward L, R, L).
5 – 8Step right foot to the side, close left to right, step right foot back, hold. [9]
Sec 5: Chasse Left, hold, cross rock, side rock.
1 – 4Chasse To the left side L, R, L, hold.
5 – 8Rock right foot across left, recover, rock right foot to the side, recover, [9]
Sec 6: Behind ¼ turn, half turn, hold, coaster step, hold.
1 – 4Step right foot behind left, ¼ turn left step left forward, ½ turn left step right foot back, hold.
5 – 8Step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward hold. [12] * restart on wall 3*
Sec 7: Scissor step x2.
1 – 4Step right foot to the side, close left towards right, step right foot across left, hold.
5 – 8Step left foot to the side, close right towards left, step left foot across right, hold. [12]
Sec 8: Ball cross, side, ¼ turn, coaster step.
1 – 4ball of right foot to the side, step left across right, step right foot to the side (start to turn left), hold
5 – 8¼ turn left step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward hold. [9]
Restart wall 3 facing 6 o’clock dance up to and including section 6 then restart the dance
Ending The music will end just after completing section 4, then just make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot to face the front.
Happy Dancing - Adrian x
Contact - E-mail danceade@hotmail.co.uk