CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Destiny

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Phrased Intermediate
Candy Lock (MY) & Irene Foo (MY) - August 2014
My Destiny - Lyn
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Sequence: AB B(24Counts) Tag, AB B Tag, Ending
Intro: 16 Counts (start on vocals)

Part A - 32 counts
[1 – 8] ¼ L Step R Back, Back, Back ½ R Fwd, Cross, ½ Pivot R, Fwd, Hitch ½ Turn L, Cross, Side Rock Recover
1 – 2&¼ turn to L (9.00) as step RF to back, step LF to back, ½ back turn to R (3.00) as step RF fwd
3 – 4&Cross LF over RF with make a pivot ½ turn to R (9.00), step RF in place, step LF fwd
5 – 6Hitch RF into a Figure 4 with a ½ turn to L (3.00), cross RF over LF
7 – 8Step LF to L side, recover on RF

[9 –16] Behind Side Cross, R Scissor, L Scissor, ¾ Turn L With R Triple Fwd
1&2Step LF behind RF, step RF to R side, cross LF over RF
3&4Step RF to R side, step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF
5&6Step LF to L side, step RF next to LF, cross LF over RF
&7&8Make a ¾ turn to L (6.00) while stepping on RF, LF, RF, step fwd LF

[17-24] Fwd, Fwd, ¼ Pivot R, Cross, R Back ¼ Turn L, Rock Recover ¼ R, L Back ¼ R, Step R ¼ R, Flick L
1 – 2&Step fwd on RF, LF, make a pivot ¼ turn to R (9.00)
3 – 4&Cross LF over RF, step back on RF with a ¼ turn to L (6.00), rock fwd on LF
5 – 6Recover on RF with a ¼ turn to R (9.00), ¼ turn to R (12.00) step back on LF
7 – 8Step RF fwd with a ¼ turn to R (3.00), Flick LF to side

[25-32] Weave, Cross, ½ Turn R Sweep, Behind Side Touch
1 – 2&Cross LF over RF, step RF to R side, step LF behind RF
3 – 4Step RF to R side, cross LF over RF
5 – 6½ turn to R (9.00) with sweep RF back, step RF behind LF
7 – 8Step LF to L side and touching RF beside LF

Part B – 32 counts
[1 – 8] Fwd On R, L, R, ½ Pivot L, L Press, ½ R
1-2-3-4Step fwd on RF, LF, RF, make a pivot ½ turn to L (3.00)
5 – 6Press fwd on LF (hold on 2 counts)
7 – 8½ spot turn to R (9.00) on 2 counts (weight on LF)

[9 -16] Back x3, Sweep Behind, ¼ R Fwd, ¼ R Fwd, Sweep Behind, Together, Side Sway R L
1-2&Step back on RF, LF, RF
3-4&Sweep LF back, LF cross behind RF, ¼ turn to R (12.00) and step fwd RF
5-6&Step fwd on LF and a ¼ turn to R (3.00) with sweep RF back, cross RF behind LF, step LF next to RF
7 – 8Step RF to R side and sway R, sway L

[17-24] ¼ R Fwd, Cross, R Full Spiral, Fwd Shuffle, Coaster, Fwd Touch
1 – 2¼ turn to R (6.00) step RF fwd, cross LF over RF
3-4&Full turning to R (6.00) (ending with RF cross touch in front of LF), step fwd on RF, step LF beside RF
5-6&Step fwd on RF, step back on LF, step RF beside LF
7 – 8Step fwd on LF, touch RF beside LF

[25-32] ¼ R Fwd, Cross, ¾ R Sweep, Touch Together, Behind Side Cross, L Touch Fwd & Step
1-2&¼ turn to R (9.00) step RF fwd, cross LF over RF and make a ¾ turn to R (6.00) with sweep RF to side
3 – 4Drag RF in and touch next to LF
5&6Cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, cross RF over LF
7 – 8Touch LF diagonal fwd and step in place

* Tag 1: During Wall 3 after 24 counts (3.00), do the following 16 counts Tag below (Walking a big figure 8)
[1 – 8] Walking a Circle to R
1 – 2Step RF fwd, step LF fwd with a 1/8 turn to R (4.30)
3 - 41/8 turn to R (6.00) stepping RF diagonally to side, hold
5 - 6¼ turn to R (9.00) stepping LF fwd, ¼ turn to R (12.00) stepping RF fwd
7 - 8¼ turn to L (9.00) stepping LF fwd, hold

[9 -16] Walking a Circle to L
1 - 2Step RF fwd, ¼ turn to L (6.00) stepping LF fwd
3 - 4Step RF fwd diagonally to L, hold
5 - 6Step LF fwd diagonally to L (3.00), step RF fwd diagonally to L
7 - 8Step LF fwd (12.00), hold
Note: You are walking a big figure 8 in these 16 counts.

*Tag 2: End of Wall 7 (3.00), repeat the 16 counts Tag above.

*Ending: (12.00) Step RF to R Side (1), LF Cross(2), Full Turn to R (3-4), Step RF to R Side (5), LF Cross(6) Full Turn to R (7-8), Step RF to R side(1), Pose (2)

Happy Dancing!


Last Update – 25th Sept 2014

2 评论

Metaltigger August 25, 2014
I would like to see this on an open dance the floorspace in the video is a little restrictive.

candy88 August 26, 2014
Ya, it's true Mike. Will upload the video again soon.
Thank you for the comment!Happy dancing!

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