Absolute Beginner
Intro: 16ct. Start dance on the word “I” (I love you…) of lyrics
Right Side - Together - Side - Touch - Left Side - Together - Side - Touch
(styling: use Hawaiian Hula Hula arm movement e.g. gently push hands in a subtle wave motion in direction of movement to right for cts 1-4, then to left on cts 5-8 )
1-4Step R to right, Step L together, Step R to side again, Touch L next to right
5-8Step L to left, Step R together, Step L to side, Touch R next to left
(zig-zag/stroll) Right Diag. Back, - Touch, - Left Diag. Back, - Touch, - Side Rock right, - Turn ¼ left & Side Rock right (sway hips as you do the rocks)
1-2Step R back on right diagonal, Touch L next to right
3-4Step L back on left diagonal, Touch R next to left
5-6(swaying hips as you rock) Rock R to right (weight on right), recover (weight to left)
7-8quick ¼ turn left (9:00) and repeat cts 5 and 6
Cross Rock - Together - Hold - Cross Rock - Together - Hold
1-4Cross Rock R over left, Recover (weight to left), Step R back in place, Hold
5-8Cross Rock L over right, Recover (weight to right), Step L back in place, Hold
Weave - Hold - Side Rock - Cross (& cross arms) - Hold
1-4Cross R over left, Step L to left, Cross R behind left, Hold
5-8Rock L to side with weight, recover weight to right, Cross L over right, (cross arms over chest also for the love effect, Hold
Start again
Ending: last line of song slows so just dance slow also and on last step (cross), don’t be shy, give yourself a bigger hug as you cross your arms xxx
Choreographed by Kim Nolan, England-UK (August 2014)
Email: thekimbodukers@hotmail.co.uk
Right Side - Together - Side - Touch - Left Side - Together - Side - Touch
(styling: use Hawaiian Hula Hula arm movement e.g. gently push hands in a subtle wave motion in direction of movement to right for cts 1-4, then to left on cts 5-8 )
1-4Step R to right, Step L together, Step R to side again, Touch L next to right
5-8Step L to left, Step R together, Step L to side, Touch R next to left
(zig-zag/stroll) Right Diag. Back, - Touch, - Left Diag. Back, - Touch, - Side Rock right, - Turn ¼ left & Side Rock right (sway hips as you do the rocks)
1-2Step R back on right diagonal, Touch L next to right
3-4Step L back on left diagonal, Touch R next to left
5-6(swaying hips as you rock) Rock R to right (weight on right), recover (weight to left)
7-8quick ¼ turn left (9:00) and repeat cts 5 and 6
Cross Rock - Together - Hold - Cross Rock - Together - Hold
1-4Cross Rock R over left, Recover (weight to left), Step R back in place, Hold
5-8Cross Rock L over right, Recover (weight to right), Step L back in place, Hold
Weave - Hold - Side Rock - Cross (& cross arms) - Hold
1-4Cross R over left, Step L to left, Cross R behind left, Hold
5-8Rock L to side with weight, recover weight to right, Cross L over right, (cross arms over chest also for the love effect, Hold
Start again
Ending: last line of song slows so just dance slow also and on last step (cross), don’t be shy, give yourself a bigger hug as you cross your arms xxx
Choreographed by Kim Nolan, England-UK (August 2014)
Email: thekimbodukers@hotmail.co.uk