Start after 32 counts
[1 – 8] R Shuffle Fwd., L Step Fwd. ½ Pivot Turn R, L Shuffle Fwd., R Step Fwd., ¼ Pivot Turn L
1 & 2Step R fwd., step L next to R, step R fwd.
3 – 4Step L fwd., ½ turn R (weight to R)
5 & 6Step L fwd., step R next to L, step L fwd.
7 – 8Step R fwd., ¼ turn L (weight to L)
[9 – 16] R Cross, L Step Back, R Rock Back, Recover, R Heel-Ball-Step, R Brush-Hitch-Touch
1 – 4Step R across L, step L back, rock R back, recover to L
5 & 6Touch R heel fwd., step R next to L, step L slightly fwd.
7 & 8Brush R fwd., lift R knee, touch R next to L
[17 – 24] R Chassé, L Cross Rock, Recover, L Chassé, R Cross Rock, Recover
1 & 2Step R to side, step L next to R, step R to side
3 – 4Step L across R, recover to R
5 & 6Step L to side, step R next to L, step L to side
7 – 8Step R across L, recover to L
[25 – 32] R Sailor Step, L Sailor Cross, Rolling Vine R, L Step Fwd.
1 & 2Step R behind L, step L to side, step R to side
3 & 4Step L behind R, step R to side, step L across R
5 – 7¼ turn R stepping R fwd., ½ R stepping L back, ¼ R stepping R to side
8Step L fwd.
Ending (optional):
Dance 11th wall up to count 28 (count 4 of section 4) and add:
5 – 6¼ turn R stepping R fwd., ½ turn R stepping L back
7 – 8½ turn R stepping R fwd., step L fwd.
Questions: larskuif@hotmail.com
Website: larskuif@hotmail.com, www.redbandana.jouwweb.nl
[1 – 8] R Shuffle Fwd., L Step Fwd. ½ Pivot Turn R, L Shuffle Fwd., R Step Fwd., ¼ Pivot Turn L
1 & 2Step R fwd., step L next to R, step R fwd.
3 – 4Step L fwd., ½ turn R (weight to R)
5 & 6Step L fwd., step R next to L, step L fwd.
7 – 8Step R fwd., ¼ turn L (weight to L)
[9 – 16] R Cross, L Step Back, R Rock Back, Recover, R Heel-Ball-Step, R Brush-Hitch-Touch
1 – 4Step R across L, step L back, rock R back, recover to L
5 & 6Touch R heel fwd., step R next to L, step L slightly fwd.
7 & 8Brush R fwd., lift R knee, touch R next to L
[17 – 24] R Chassé, L Cross Rock, Recover, L Chassé, R Cross Rock, Recover
1 & 2Step R to side, step L next to R, step R to side
3 – 4Step L across R, recover to R
5 & 6Step L to side, step R next to L, step L to side
7 – 8Step R across L, recover to L
[25 – 32] R Sailor Step, L Sailor Cross, Rolling Vine R, L Step Fwd.
1 & 2Step R behind L, step L to side, step R to side
3 & 4Step L behind R, step R to side, step L across R
5 – 7¼ turn R stepping R fwd., ½ R stepping L back, ¼ R stepping R to side
8Step L fwd.
Ending (optional):
Dance 11th wall up to count 28 (count 4 of section 4) and add:
5 – 6¼ turn R stepping R fwd., ½ turn R stepping L back
7 – 8½ turn R stepping R fwd., step L fwd.
Questions: larskuif@hotmail.com
Website: larskuif@hotmail.com, www.redbandana.jouwweb.nl