Start - 24 counts in with weight on left. [3 Restarts, 2 Tags. - 143 BPM]
[1 – 8] Monterey ¼, Monterey ¼ (6 o’clock)
1,2,3,4Point R to right side, replace R next to L, turning 90° right point L to left side, replace L beside R
5,6,7,8Point R to right side, replace R next to L, turning 90° right point L to left side, replace L beside R
[9 – 16] Rock replace, half shuffle back, pivot half and shuffle forward (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L , turning 180° right shuffle back R,L,R,
5,6,7&8Step forward on L, pivot 180° right shuffling forward L,R,L
[17 – 24] Rock, replace, coaster step, stomp up, drop heel, drop heel, stomp # (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L, step back on R, step R next to L, step R forward
5,6,7,8Stomp L foot, raise and drop left heel, raise & drop left heel, raise & drop left heel taking weight to L
[25 – 32] Rock, replace, coaster step, stomp up, drop heel, drop heel, stomp ^ (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L, step back on R, step R next to L, step R forward
5,6,7,8Stomp L foot, raise and drop left heel, raise & drop left heel, raise & drop left heel taking weight to L
[33 – 40] Side rock, replace, behind, side, cross, side rock, replace, behind, side cross## (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock R to right side, replace weight to L, step R behind L, step L to left side, step R in front of L
5,6,7&8Rock L to left side, replace weight to R, step L behind R, step R to right side, step L in front of R
[41 –48] Rock forward, replace, ¾ triple, rock forward, replace, ¾ triple * (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L, turning 270° right triple step R, L, R
5,6,7&8Rock forward on L, replace weight to R, turning 270° left triple step L,R,L
[49 – 56] Cross samba, cross point, cross samba, cross point (6 o’clock)
1&2,3,4Cross/step R over L & slightly fwd, rock/step L to L, replace weight to R, cross L over R, point R to right side
5&6,7,8Cross/step R over L & slightly fwd, rock/step L to L, replace weight to R, cross L over R, point R to right side
[49 – 56] Rock, replace, half shuffle back, half shuffle back, rock back, replace (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L, turning 180° right shuffle back R, L, R
&6,7,8Turning 180° right shuffle back L, R, L, rock back on R, replace weight to L
Wall 2 – Restart after 48 *
Wall 5 – dance to count 24# – INSERT 4 additional stomp/drop heels then continue dancing to count 40## and Restart
Wall 6 - dance to count 32^ – add ½ Monterey and Restart dance
KATHRYN SLOAN – 0402 219 272 KELVIN DALE – 0414 795 528
redhotandcountry@gmail.com - www.redhotandcountry.com.au
[1 – 8] Monterey ¼, Monterey ¼ (6 o’clock)
1,2,3,4Point R to right side, replace R next to L, turning 90° right point L to left side, replace L beside R
5,6,7,8Point R to right side, replace R next to L, turning 90° right point L to left side, replace L beside R
[9 – 16] Rock replace, half shuffle back, pivot half and shuffle forward (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L , turning 180° right shuffle back R,L,R,
5,6,7&8Step forward on L, pivot 180° right shuffling forward L,R,L
[17 – 24] Rock, replace, coaster step, stomp up, drop heel, drop heel, stomp # (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L, step back on R, step R next to L, step R forward
5,6,7,8Stomp L foot, raise and drop left heel, raise & drop left heel, raise & drop left heel taking weight to L
[25 – 32] Rock, replace, coaster step, stomp up, drop heel, drop heel, stomp ^ (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L, step back on R, step R next to L, step R forward
5,6,7,8Stomp L foot, raise and drop left heel, raise & drop left heel, raise & drop left heel taking weight to L
[33 – 40] Side rock, replace, behind, side, cross, side rock, replace, behind, side cross## (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock R to right side, replace weight to L, step R behind L, step L to left side, step R in front of L
5,6,7&8Rock L to left side, replace weight to R, step L behind R, step R to right side, step L in front of R
[41 –48] Rock forward, replace, ¾ triple, rock forward, replace, ¾ triple * (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L, turning 270° right triple step R, L, R
5,6,7&8Rock forward on L, replace weight to R, turning 270° left triple step L,R,L
[49 – 56] Cross samba, cross point, cross samba, cross point (6 o’clock)
1&2,3,4Cross/step R over L & slightly fwd, rock/step L to L, replace weight to R, cross L over R, point R to right side
5&6,7,8Cross/step R over L & slightly fwd, rock/step L to L, replace weight to R, cross L over R, point R to right side
[49 – 56] Rock, replace, half shuffle back, half shuffle back, rock back, replace (6 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Rock forward on R, replace weight to L, turning 180° right shuffle back R, L, R
&6,7,8Turning 180° right shuffle back L, R, L, rock back on R, replace weight to L
Wall 2 – Restart after 48 *
Wall 5 – dance to count 24# – INSERT 4 additional stomp/drop heels then continue dancing to count 40## and Restart
Wall 6 - dance to count 32^ – add ½ Monterey and Restart dance
KATHRYN SLOAN – 0402 219 272 KELVIN DALE – 0414 795 528
redhotandcountry@gmail.com - www.redhotandcountry.com.au