Intro: Start on main lyrics approx. 16 beats in weight on L - CCW
Shuffle Right, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle Left, Rock Back
1&2-3-4Shuffle to the R stepping RLR, Rock back on L, Recover to R
5&6-7-8Shuffle to the L stepping LRL, Rock back on R, Recover to L
Scuff, Touch, Heel Bounce, Heel Twists, Touch,
1-2-3-4Scuff R on the diagonal, Touch R toe to floor, Bounce heels twice
5-6-7-8Twist R foot in towards L foot, Toe, Heel, Toe, Touch R beside L
Vine Right, Vine Left ¼ Turn, Scuff
1-2-3-4Step R to side, Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Touch L beside R
5-6-7-8Step L to side, Cross R behind L, Turn ¼ L, Step forward on L, Scuff L forward
Rock Forward, Toe Strut Back, Rock Back
1-2-3-4Rock forward on R, Recover to L, Touch R toe back, Drop heel to floor
5-6-7-8Touch L toe back, drop heel to floor, Rock back on R, Recover to L
[32] Begin dance again
Contact: anneherd@bigpond.com
Last Update - 24th July 2014
Shuffle Right, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle Left, Rock Back
1&2-3-4Shuffle to the R stepping RLR, Rock back on L, Recover to R
5&6-7-8Shuffle to the L stepping LRL, Rock back on R, Recover to L
Scuff, Touch, Heel Bounce, Heel Twists, Touch,
1-2-3-4Scuff R on the diagonal, Touch R toe to floor, Bounce heels twice
5-6-7-8Twist R foot in towards L foot, Toe, Heel, Toe, Touch R beside L
Vine Right, Vine Left ¼ Turn, Scuff
1-2-3-4Step R to side, Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Touch L beside R
5-6-7-8Step L to side, Cross R behind L, Turn ¼ L, Step forward on L, Scuff L forward
Rock Forward, Toe Strut Back, Rock Back
1-2-3-4Rock forward on R, Recover to L, Touch R toe back, Drop heel to floor
5-6-7-8Touch L toe back, drop heel to floor, Rock back on R, Recover to L
[32] Begin dance again
Contact: anneherd@bigpond.com
Last Update - 24th July 2014