(Target exlusive bonus track from Deluxe Cd. Album “Here’s to the good times” déc.2013)
Intro 16 counts - Sequences : ABC AAB ABC Tag AAB CAB ABC AC
Mambo step to 12 or 6 O'Clock, L fwd chassé, kick ball step x2
! When the wall begins on12:00 ou on 6:00 :
1&2Right cross Rock step, recover, R ft on the right side.
! When the wall begins on 3:00 or on 9:00 :
1&2Right Rock step fwd,recover, ¼ turn on R with R ft on the right side..
3 & 4chassé L-R-L fwd
5 & 6Right kick ball step
7 & 8Right kick ball step
Hips sways R& L , R sailor, L step fwd, R 1/2turn, L chassé fwd
1 - 2Sway right hip ,sway left hip. style :palms of your hands in front of the floor
3 & 4Right sailor step
5 – 6Left step fwd, ½ turn on the right
7 & 8chassé L-R-L fwd
R sweep, point, L point in-out-in, , point R heel & L toe,shuffle back
1 & 2sweep right from back to cross left foot,ball left, point L toe to left side.
3 & 4Left touch Right, Point Left out, left touch right
&5 & 6step left besides right,right heel fwd, recover ,left toe touch right foot
7 & 8chassé L-R-L back
Coaster step, step, jazz box & twist ¼
1&2right coaster step
3-4Step L fwd, cross right
5-6step left back,step right on side
7-8step together and ¼ turn left on your both toes
Heels split, R hitch, Heels split ,L hitch, Heels split, R hitch twice,ball change
1&2&Open both heels, recover ,hitch right, recover.
3&4&Open both heels, recover ,hitch left, recover.
5&6&Open both heels, recover,hitch right, recover
7&8Hitch right again, ball right, step left fwd.
Easy Tag : At the end of wall 4, after part C : jazz box ¼ right on the 4 counts of the break
Final : Replace counts 15 &16 of part A with ½ turn on the right with left foot behind and touch right together. Go ahead with part C to finish facing the12:00 wall cf demo video
Tip : part C is exclusively on lyrics :
“A little bit of Florida,a little bit of Georgia,and a whole lot of country in my soul.”
© Montana Mag may 2014
original french version stepsheet : montanamag38@gmail.com
Intro 16 counts - Sequences : ABC AAB ABC Tag AAB CAB ABC AC
Mambo step to 12 or 6 O'Clock, L fwd chassé, kick ball step x2
! When the wall begins on12:00 ou on 6:00 :
1&2Right cross Rock step, recover, R ft on the right side.
! When the wall begins on 3:00 or on 9:00 :
1&2Right Rock step fwd,recover, ¼ turn on R with R ft on the right side..
3 & 4chassé L-R-L fwd
5 & 6Right kick ball step
7 & 8Right kick ball step
Hips sways R& L , R sailor, L step fwd, R 1/2turn, L chassé fwd
1 - 2Sway right hip ,sway left hip. style :palms of your hands in front of the floor
3 & 4Right sailor step
5 – 6Left step fwd, ½ turn on the right
7 & 8chassé L-R-L fwd
R sweep, point, L point in-out-in, , point R heel & L toe,shuffle back
1 & 2sweep right from back to cross left foot,ball left, point L toe to left side.
3 & 4Left touch Right, Point Left out, left touch right
&5 & 6step left besides right,right heel fwd, recover ,left toe touch right foot
7 & 8chassé L-R-L back
Coaster step, step, jazz box & twist ¼
1&2right coaster step
3-4Step L fwd, cross right
5-6step left back,step right on side
7-8step together and ¼ turn left on your both toes
Heels split, R hitch, Heels split ,L hitch, Heels split, R hitch twice,ball change
1&2&Open both heels, recover ,hitch right, recover.
3&4&Open both heels, recover ,hitch left, recover.
5&6&Open both heels, recover,hitch right, recover
7&8Hitch right again, ball right, step left fwd.
Easy Tag : At the end of wall 4, after part C : jazz box ¼ right on the 4 counts of the break
Final : Replace counts 15 &16 of part A with ½ turn on the right with left foot behind and touch right together. Go ahead with part C to finish facing the12:00 wall cf demo video
Tip : part C is exclusively on lyrics :
“A little bit of Florida,a little bit of Georgia,and a whole lot of country in my soul.”
© Montana Mag may 2014
original french version stepsheet : montanamag38@gmail.com