Intro: 16 counts
Section 1: Reverse K Step.
1-4Step left froward to left diagonal, touch right next to left, step right back, touch left next to right.
5-8Step left back to left diagonal, touch right next to left, step right forward, touch left next to right.(12:00)
Section 2: L Forward Rock, Recover, 1/4 Turn L, Hold, R Forward Lock Step, Hold.
1-4Rock left forward, recover on right, step left forward 1/4 turning left, hold.(9:00)
5-8Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, hold.(9:00)
Section 3: L Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep R, Behind, Side, Cross, Point L.
1-4Sweep left cross over right, step right to right, step left behind right, sweep right to right.
5-8Extend sweeping right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left, point left to left.(9:00)
Section 4: Monterey 1/2 Turn Right, L Jazz Box.
1-4Step left next to right, point right to right, step on right ball 1/2 turning R, point left to left.( 3:00)
5-8Cross left over right, step right back, step left back next to right, step right forward.(3:00)
Tag: At the end of wall 5 facing 3:00 dance the section 1 then restart.
Contact: 97elisalau@gmail.com
Section 1: Reverse K Step.
1-4Step left froward to left diagonal, touch right next to left, step right back, touch left next to right.
5-8Step left back to left diagonal, touch right next to left, step right forward, touch left next to right.(12:00)
Section 2: L Forward Rock, Recover, 1/4 Turn L, Hold, R Forward Lock Step, Hold.
1-4Rock left forward, recover on right, step left forward 1/4 turning left, hold.(9:00)
5-8Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, hold.(9:00)
Section 3: L Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep R, Behind, Side, Cross, Point L.
1-4Sweep left cross over right, step right to right, step left behind right, sweep right to right.
5-8Extend sweeping right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left, point left to left.(9:00)
Section 4: Monterey 1/2 Turn Right, L Jazz Box.
1-4Step left next to right, point right to right, step on right ball 1/2 turning R, point left to left.( 3:00)
5-8Cross left over right, step right back, step left back next to right, step right forward.(3:00)
Tag: At the end of wall 5 facing 3:00 dance the section 1 then restart.
Contact: 97elisalau@gmail.com