CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 158048
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Off The Chain

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - June 2014
Sequence as follows
B pattern shall always face the 6:00 wall

A sequence
Step hitch x3, ¼ turn jazz box
1-2step RF forward, hitch R knee (also scooting LF forward) travel forward to 12.00
&-3step RF down, hitch R knee (also scooting LF forward) travel forward to 12.00
&-4step RF down, hitch R knee (also scooting LF forward) travel forward to 12.00
5-6step RF across L, step LF to side
7-8¼ turn R stepping RF to R side, close LF next to R.

hip bumps x2, hip rolls x2
1-2touch RF to R diagonal pushing hip forward, close RF next to L.
3-4touch LF to L diagonal pushing hip forward, close LF next to R
5-6step RF to R as you roll your hips from L to R ( add a little hip bop at end of roll)
7-8step LF to L as you roll your hips from R to L ( add a little hip bop at the end of roll) facing 3.00

Syncopated weave, touch, ¼ turn, ½ turn, hop hop
1-2step RF to R side, step LF behind R
&-3step RF to R side, cross LF over R
&-4step RF to R side, touch LF behind R (snap finger as you to look right)
5-6¼ L stepping LF forward (12.00) ½ turn L stepping RF back (6.00)
7-8¼ turn L hopping with both feet together (3.00) ¼ turn L hopping with both feet together (12.00)

Pivot turn x2, jazz box ½ turn
1-2step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L (weight on LF) (6.00)
3-4step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L (weight on LF) (12.00)
5-6step RF forward, step LF back diagonal
7-8½ turn R, stepping RF forward (6.00) close LF next to R

B sequence
Kick and point x2, step rock recover x2
1&2kick RF forward, place RF next to L, point LF to L side
3&4kick LF forward, place LF next R, point RF to R side
5&6cross RF over L, rock LF to L side, recover onto RF
7&8cross LF over R, rock RF to R side, recover onto LF

Chug x4, step rock recover x2
1-2 1/8 turn L stomping RF forward (popping R should forward) 1/8 turn L stomping RF forward (popping R shoulder forward)
3-4repeat counts 1-2 this should complete ½ turn
*the section above can also be danced with hip wiggles making a rotation*
5&6cross RF over L, rock LF to L side, recover onto RF
7&8cross LF over R, rock RF to R side, recover onto LF
*RESTART* during first B section

Chug x4, step chest pop x2, close chest pop x2
1-2 1/8 turn L stomping RF forward (popping R should forward) 1/8 turn L stomping RF forward (popping R shoulder forward)
3-4repeat counts 1-2 this should complete ½ turn
*the section above can also be danced with hip wiggles making a rotation*
5-6step RF forward ,(angle body to L diagonal) popping chest x2 (feet should be apart)
7-8close LF next , pop chest x2

Chug x4, step chest pop x2, close chest pop x2
1-2 1/8 turn L stomping RF forward (popping R should forward) 1/8 turn L stomping RF forward (popping R shoulder forward)
3-4repeat counts 1-2 this should complete ½ turn
*the section above can also be danced with hip wiggles making a rotation*
5-6step RF forward ,(angle body to L diagonal) popping chest x2 (feet should be apart)
7-8close LF next , pop chest x2

*TAG* (Starts facing front wall)
Full turn Left clap, full turn Right clap
1-4full turn L stepping L,R,L, touch RF next to L, clap
5-8full turn R stepping R,L,R touch LF next to R, clap

Jump out, cross, unwind, body roll x2
1-4jump both feet apart, jump both feet cross (RF over L) unwind ½ Left over 2 counts
5-8body roll to Right over 2 counts, body roll to Left over 2 counts (weight on LF)

Syncopated weave chest pop x2
1-2step RF forward diagonal, step LF behind R
&-3step RF forward diagonal, close LF next to R
&-4chest pop
5-6step LF forward diagonal, step RF behind L
&-7step LF forward diagonal, close RF next to L
&-8chest pop

Out, out, slap, jump, shake
1-2step RF out, step LF out
3-4bend forward and slap the floor, recover
5-6jump both feet together, hold
7-8shimmy on the spot

Easier than it looks, hope you all enjoy.
There is also a clean cut version of this track.

Last Update - 5th July 2014

4 评论

Linda1White1 June 17, 2014
I can't believe it. A song all about woman's asses. How low can we go, do we have no self respect?

Serious Dancer July 6, 2015
Totally unimpressed with the music and the language of the song!!

Pat Freeman August 7, 2023
Very fun and aerobic dance!

dl February 18, 2024
So...a 'clean version' of this degrading song doesn't talk about womens butts?

With the tag, it looks more like a 96 count phrased choreography with restarts.

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