Multi-level Fun dance
Count In : 50 counts from start of main beat - starts with lyrics (19 seconds into track)
S1:Right Heel, Heel Flick, Stomp Stomp
1 - 2Touch right heel forward, hook it across left shin
3 - 4Touch right heel forward, flick it out to right side and slap with right hand
5 - 6Stomp right in place, Stomp left in place taking weight
S2: Right Vine Cross. Side Rock Cross Hold
1 - 4Step right to right side, Cross left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
5 - 8Rock right to right side, Recover weight onto left, Cross right over left, Hold ( clap if you wish!!)
S3: Left Heel, Heel Flick, Stomp Stomp
1 - 2Touch left heel forward, hook it across right shin
3 - 4Touch left heel forward, flick it out to left side and slap with left hand
5 - 6Stomp left in place, Stomp right in place taking weight
S4: Left Vine Cross. Side Rock Cross Hold
1 - 4Step left to left side, Cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left
5 - 8Rock left to left side, Recover weight onto right, Cross left over right, Hold ( clap if you wish!!)
S5: Back Diagonal Hitches Left, Right, Left
1 - 2Step back right to right diagonal facing right diagonal, turn upper body to left diagonal hitching left knee
3 - 4Step back left to left diagonal facing left diagonal turn upper body to right diagonal hitching right knee
5 - 6Step back right to right diagonal facing right diagonal, turn upper body to left diagonal hitching left knee
S6: Step Back, Hip Bumps
1Step left back to left diagonal facing left diagonal - keep weight back on left
2 - 8Bump hips back left, fwd right, back left, fwd right, back left, fwd right, back left (shakalaka!!)
S7: Mambo Fwd, step Hitch, Stomp Back, Stomp Together
1 - 4Rock fwd right, recover weight back onto left, Step back right, Hitch left knee
5 - 6Stomp back left, Stomp together with right taking weight
S8: Running Lock Steps, Stomp Stomp Hold
1 - 3Step left fwd and slightly to left diagonal, lock right behind left, step fwd left again
4 - 5Step right fwd and slightly to right diagonal, lock left behind right
6 - 8Stomp fwd right facing 12 o’clock, Stomp left. Hold
TAG After wall 4 - then wall 9 after first 14 counts of dance starting on LEFT - dance the Tag to end of track
[1-8] Mambo Fwd. Mambo Back ½ Pivot Shuffle Stomp Stomp.
1&2Rock fwd right recover step back right
3&4Rock back left recover step forward left
5&Step forward right ½ pivot turn onto left (6 o’clock)
6&7Step forward right close left to right step forward right
&8Stomp forward left step together right
[9 - 16] REPEAT TAG STARTING WITH A LEFT MAMBO - finish facing 12 o’clock
Contact: vineline@hotmail.co.uk
S1:Right Heel, Heel Flick, Stomp Stomp
1 - 2Touch right heel forward, hook it across left shin
3 - 4Touch right heel forward, flick it out to right side and slap with right hand
5 - 6Stomp right in place, Stomp left in place taking weight
S2: Right Vine Cross. Side Rock Cross Hold
1 - 4Step right to right side, Cross left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
5 - 8Rock right to right side, Recover weight onto left, Cross right over left, Hold ( clap if you wish!!)
S3: Left Heel, Heel Flick, Stomp Stomp
1 - 2Touch left heel forward, hook it across right shin
3 - 4Touch left heel forward, flick it out to left side and slap with left hand
5 - 6Stomp left in place, Stomp right in place taking weight
S4: Left Vine Cross. Side Rock Cross Hold
1 - 4Step left to left side, Cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left
5 - 8Rock left to left side, Recover weight onto right, Cross left over right, Hold ( clap if you wish!!)
S5: Back Diagonal Hitches Left, Right, Left
1 - 2Step back right to right diagonal facing right diagonal, turn upper body to left diagonal hitching left knee
3 - 4Step back left to left diagonal facing left diagonal turn upper body to right diagonal hitching right knee
5 - 6Step back right to right diagonal facing right diagonal, turn upper body to left diagonal hitching left knee
S6: Step Back, Hip Bumps
1Step left back to left diagonal facing left diagonal - keep weight back on left
2 - 8Bump hips back left, fwd right, back left, fwd right, back left, fwd right, back left (shakalaka!!)
S7: Mambo Fwd, step Hitch, Stomp Back, Stomp Together
1 - 4Rock fwd right, recover weight back onto left, Step back right, Hitch left knee
5 - 6Stomp back left, Stomp together with right taking weight
S8: Running Lock Steps, Stomp Stomp Hold
1 - 3Step left fwd and slightly to left diagonal, lock right behind left, step fwd left again
4 - 5Step right fwd and slightly to right diagonal, lock left behind right
6 - 8Stomp fwd right facing 12 o’clock, Stomp left. Hold
TAG After wall 4 - then wall 9 after first 14 counts of dance starting on LEFT - dance the Tag to end of track
[1-8] Mambo Fwd. Mambo Back ½ Pivot Shuffle Stomp Stomp.
1&2Rock fwd right recover step back right
3&4Rock back left recover step forward left
5&Step forward right ½ pivot turn onto left (6 o’clock)
6&7Step forward right close left to right step forward right
&8Stomp forward left step together right
[9 - 16] REPEAT TAG STARTING WITH A LEFT MAMBO - finish facing 12 o’clock
Contact: vineline@hotmail.co.uk