CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Alexa FERMON (FR) & Marion Huby (FR) - September 2013
Musica - Fly Project
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Intro: Start on the word “quema” in “El amor me quema”. Weight on L
Phrasing: A, Tag 1, B, B, B, B, Tag 2, B, B, A, B, B, B, B, B.

A section (Night club)- 16 counts
[1-8&] Basic R, Basic L, ¼ turn right, sweep L, jazz box ½ turn L, full turn L
1-2&RF Step to right side (1), LF Rock back (2), Recover on RF (&) 12:00
3-4&LF Step to left side (3), RF Rock back (4), Recover on LF (&) 12:00
5Step ¼ right, sweep LF(5) 3:00
6&7Cross LF over RF(6), Step RF behind (&), Turn ½ L stepping forward on LF (7) 9:00
8&Make a ½ turn left stepping back on right (8), make a ½ turn left stepping forward on left (&) 9:00

[9-17] Step R forward, Step L ¼ turn cross, full turn to L, Step R, L Behind , Side R, Cross L, Sweep R, Jazz box R (Weight on R at the end)
1RF step forward (1) 9:00
2&3LF Step forward (2), ¼ turn right (&), Cross LF over RF (3) 12:00
4&5Make ½ turn left stepping back on right (8), make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (&), RF step side (5) 12:00
6&7Cross LF behind RF (6), RF step side (&), Cross LF over RF and start a sweep with RF (7) 12:00
8&1Finish the sweep with RF, cross RF over LF (8), step LF back (&), step RF side LF (with Weight on RF) (1) 12:00

Note: In A section, last counts 8&1, the 1 it’s just a weight change, so the dance counts 16 counts.

B section (Cha Cha)- 32 counts
[1-9] Step L, Rock back R, Shuffle forward R, Rock forward L, Sailor Step ½ turn L, Step L side
1-2-3Step L on left side (1), Rock back RF (2), Recover on LF (3) 12:00
4&5Step R forward (4), Step L next to right (&), Step R forward (5) 12:00
6-7Rock forward LF (6), Recover on RF (7) 12:00
8&1LF behind RF (8), ½ turn with step R to the right (&), Step L to the left (1) 6:00

[10-17] Triple in-in-out (RLR), Triple in-in-out (LRL) with ¼ turn L, Step R forward ½ turn to L, Shuffle R
2&Step right next to left (2), Step left in place (next to right) (&) 6:00
3-4&Step right to right side (3), Step left next to right (4), step right in place (next to left) (&) 6:00
5Step left to left side with a ¼ turn (5) 3:00
6-7Step R forward (6), ½ turn left (7) 9:00
8&1Step R forward (8), Step L next to right (&), Step R forward (1) 9:00

[18-25] Step L, Step R, Shuffle L, Step R ¼ turn, Flick, Cross shuffle R
2-3Step L forward (2), Step R forward (3) 9:00
4&5Step L forward (4), Step R next to left (&), Step L forward (5) 9:00
6-7Step R forward with ¼ turn left (6), Flick with RF (7) 6:00
8&1Cross RF over LF (8), Step L to left side (&), Cross RF over LF (1) 6:00

[26-32] Rock Step L, Sailor L ½ turn, Cross L in front of R x3, step ¼ turn R
2-3Rock to left side with LF (2), Recover on RF (3) 6:00
4&5LF behind RF (4), ½ turn left with step R to the right (&) , Cross LF over RF (5) 12:00
&6&7RF to R side (&), Cross LF over RF (6), RF to R side (&), Cross LF over RF (7) 3:00
8¼ turn right with RF to R side (8) 3:00

Tag 1: After the first wall.
[1-8] L Kick ball touch, R kick ball touch, mambo step L, mambo step R
1&2LF Kick forward (1), step L next to RF (&), touch RF on R side (2) 12:00
3&4RF kick forward (3), step R next to LF (&), touch LF on L side (4) 12:00
5&6LF step forward (5), recover on RF (&), LF step together (6) 12:00
7&8RF step back (7), recover on LF (&), RF step together (8) 12:00

Tag 2: After the 5th wall
1-4Bump x4 (with Cha Cha style)
1-2Bump with L hips (1), Bump with R hips (2) 12:00
3-4Bump with L hips (3), Bump with R hips (4) 12:00


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