Beginner - waltz
A bit of a tricky intro - 24 counts (dance starts 3 beats - BEFORE vocals ) 115 bpm - No Tags, No Restarts
Section 1: Box Step, turning 1/8. Repeat
1-2-3Step Left forward, step Right to side, step Left beside Right
4-5-6Step Right back, step Left to side, turning 1/8 to left diagonal, step Right beside Left
7-8-9Step Left forward, step Right to side, step Left beside Right
10-11-12Step Right back, step Left to side, turning 1/8 to left, step Right beside Left 9.00
Section 2: Forward, hold, tap. Back, back, back. L Behind, side, side. R Behind, side, side
1-2-3Step left forward, hold, tap Right next to Left.
4-5-6Walk back, back, back (R,L,R)
7-8-9Cross Left behind Right, step Right to side, step Left to side
10-11-12Cross Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right to side
Section 3: Box Step, turning 1/8. Repeat
1-2-3Step Left forward, step Right to side, step Left beside Right
4-5-6Step Right back, step Left to side, turning 1/8 to left diagonal, step Right beside Left
7-8-9Step Left forward, step Right to side, step Left beside Right
10-11-12Step Right back, step Left to side, turning 1/8 to left, step Right beside Left 6.00
Section 4: Rock fwd, rock back, ½ turn. Side rock, recover, together. Repeat sequence
1-2-3Rock Left forward, Rock back on Right, turn 1/2 left stepping Left forward 12.00
4-5-6Rock right to side, recover onto Left, close Right to Left
7-8-9Rock Left forward, Rock back on Right, turn 1/2 left stepping Left forward 6.00
10-11-12Rock right to side, recover onto Left, close Right to Left
Alt. track: - The Last Waltz of the Evening – Daniel O’Donnell [The Last Waltz/Follow Your Dream cd]
Contact: regandrene@btinternet.com
Section 1: Box Step, turning 1/8. Repeat
1-2-3Step Left forward, step Right to side, step Left beside Right
4-5-6Step Right back, step Left to side, turning 1/8 to left diagonal, step Right beside Left
7-8-9Step Left forward, step Right to side, step Left beside Right
10-11-12Step Right back, step Left to side, turning 1/8 to left, step Right beside Left 9.00
Section 2: Forward, hold, tap. Back, back, back. L Behind, side, side. R Behind, side, side
1-2-3Step left forward, hold, tap Right next to Left.
4-5-6Walk back, back, back (R,L,R)
7-8-9Cross Left behind Right, step Right to side, step Left to side
10-11-12Cross Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right to side
Section 3: Box Step, turning 1/8. Repeat
1-2-3Step Left forward, step Right to side, step Left beside Right
4-5-6Step Right back, step Left to side, turning 1/8 to left diagonal, step Right beside Left
7-8-9Step Left forward, step Right to side, step Left beside Right
10-11-12Step Right back, step Left to side, turning 1/8 to left, step Right beside Left 6.00
Section 4: Rock fwd, rock back, ½ turn. Side rock, recover, together. Repeat sequence
1-2-3Rock Left forward, Rock back on Right, turn 1/2 left stepping Left forward 12.00
4-5-6Rock right to side, recover onto Left, close Right to Left
7-8-9Rock Left forward, Rock back on Right, turn 1/2 left stepping Left forward 6.00
10-11-12Rock right to side, recover onto Left, close Right to Left
Alt. track: - The Last Waltz of the Evening – Daniel O’Donnell [The Last Waltz/Follow Your Dream cd]
Contact: regandrene@btinternet.com