Intermediate / Advanced
Intro: 48 count
Note: Commend start Facing 10:30 and There are 2 restarts on wall 2 after count 24(facing 12:00) and wall 4 after count 48 (facing 6:00) see notes below.
Forward L Twinkle, Cross, Forward L Twinkle, Forward R, 1/2 R
1-3Cross LF over RF, step R to R, recover on LF (10:30)
4-6RF cross in front L (keep both knee bend), recover LF, Step R to R side
1-3Cross LF over RF, step R to R, recover on LF
4-6Cross RF over LF(10:30), Stepping LF back Make 1/4 turn R, Closed RF to LF make 1/4 R (4:30)
Forward L, Forward Little Run, Together, Run, Lunge, Recover, Sweep, Backward Lock step.
1 2&3Cross LF over R, step R forward small step, Closed L to R, step R forward small step.
4-6…Lunge L forward over 3 count (4:30)
1-3Recover RF, sweep LF from front to back (over 2 count 4:30)
4-6Step LF back, step RF cross in front LF, step LF back (10:30)*(Restart: on wall 2 after 24 count)
R Back Turning body R (1/4), Drag, Touch , Step, Point, Twinkle 1/2 Turn R, R Syncopated Weave
1-3Step RF back turning body (make 1/4 turn R), Drag LF toward R, touch L beside R (7:30).
4-6Step LF forward, step RF pointing R, hold (weight on L facing 6:00)
1-3Cross RF over L, step L to L 1/4 turn R, step RF back turning 1/4 turn R (12:00)
4&5&6Cross LF over R, step R to R step, step LF behind R, step R to R, Cross LF over R
Big step R, Drag L, Hitch, Rolling vine to L, Step, Kick, L coaster sweep R With 1/8 Turn L
1-3RF big to R, Drag LF toward R, Hitch LF
4-61/4L stepping fwd on LF, 1/2L stepping back on RF, 1/4 stepping LF to L (12:00)
1-3Step RF to L diagonal Fwd, Kick LF Fwd (10:30)
4-6Step LF back, step RF back together, step LF Fwd with sweep RF from back to side make 1/8L (9:00)
** (Restart: on wall 4 after 48 count)
R twinkle, L twinkle, Turning vine to L (3/4 Turn L)
1-3Cross RF over LF, step L to L, recover on RF
4-6Cross LF over RF, step R to R, recover on LF
1-3Cross RF over L, Step LF to L, step RF behind L
4-61/4 turn L stepping LF forward, step RF forward make 1/2 L, recover LF
R twinkle, Cross, Hitch RF (2x)
1-3Cross RF over LF, step L to L, recover on RF
4-6Cross step L over R, Hitch R knee up L with a slight turn to the L
1-3.Cross RF over LF, step L to L, recover on RF
4-6.Cross step L over R, Hitch R knee up L with a slight turn to the L
Cross, Side, Behind, Chasse to R, Cross, Syncopated shoulder sway (R,L,R) L Sailor 1/2 turn L
1-3Cross RF over L, step L to L, step RF back behind L (facing 1:30)
4 5&6.Cross LF over R, step R to R, step LF toward RF, step RF to R
1 2&3Cross LF over R, step R to R (Shoulder sway R,L,R) (12:00)
4-6Cross LF behind R turn 1/2 L and R to L, step forward L (6:00)
Step fwd R, 1/2 turn R, Step fwd L 1/2 turn L, Fwd big step, Kick, Cross , Unwind 7/8 turn R
1-3Step forward RF, step LF back make 1/4 R, step RF back toward to L make 1/4 R (12:00)
4-6Step forward LF, step RF back make 1/4 L, step LF back toward to R make 1/4 L (6:00)
1-3Step forward RF big step, Hitch LF knee up R (over 2 count )
4-6Cross LF over R, unwind 7/8 turn R over 2 count (end weight on R 4:30)
Notes: Restarts:-
Wall 2 After count 21 foot change, hold (weight on RF facing 10:30) Step LF backward(22)..then close RF to LF(23), Hold count 24.
Wall 4 After count 45 foot change, hold (weight on RF facing 4:30) Step LF backward(46)..then close RF to LF(47), Hold count 48.
Contact: fantasydancesport@yahoo.com
Note: Commend start Facing 10:30 and There are 2 restarts on wall 2 after count 24(facing 12:00) and wall 4 after count 48 (facing 6:00) see notes below.
Forward L Twinkle, Cross, Forward L Twinkle, Forward R, 1/2 R
1-3Cross LF over RF, step R to R, recover on LF (10:30)
4-6RF cross in front L (keep both knee bend), recover LF, Step R to R side
1-3Cross LF over RF, step R to R, recover on LF
4-6Cross RF over LF(10:30), Stepping LF back Make 1/4 turn R, Closed RF to LF make 1/4 R (4:30)
Forward L, Forward Little Run, Together, Run, Lunge, Recover, Sweep, Backward Lock step.
1 2&3Cross LF over R, step R forward small step, Closed L to R, step R forward small step.
4-6…Lunge L forward over 3 count (4:30)
1-3Recover RF, sweep LF from front to back (over 2 count 4:30)
4-6Step LF back, step RF cross in front LF, step LF back (10:30)*(Restart: on wall 2 after 24 count)
R Back Turning body R (1/4), Drag, Touch , Step, Point, Twinkle 1/2 Turn R, R Syncopated Weave
1-3Step RF back turning body (make 1/4 turn R), Drag LF toward R, touch L beside R (7:30).
4-6Step LF forward, step RF pointing R, hold (weight on L facing 6:00)
1-3Cross RF over L, step L to L 1/4 turn R, step RF back turning 1/4 turn R (12:00)
4&5&6Cross LF over R, step R to R step, step LF behind R, step R to R, Cross LF over R
Big step R, Drag L, Hitch, Rolling vine to L, Step, Kick, L coaster sweep R With 1/8 Turn L
1-3RF big to R, Drag LF toward R, Hitch LF
4-61/4L stepping fwd on LF, 1/2L stepping back on RF, 1/4 stepping LF to L (12:00)
1-3Step RF to L diagonal Fwd, Kick LF Fwd (10:30)
4-6Step LF back, step RF back together, step LF Fwd with sweep RF from back to side make 1/8L (9:00)
** (Restart: on wall 4 after 48 count)
R twinkle, L twinkle, Turning vine to L (3/4 Turn L)
1-3Cross RF over LF, step L to L, recover on RF
4-6Cross LF over RF, step R to R, recover on LF
1-3Cross RF over L, Step LF to L, step RF behind L
4-61/4 turn L stepping LF forward, step RF forward make 1/2 L, recover LF
R twinkle, Cross, Hitch RF (2x)
1-3Cross RF over LF, step L to L, recover on RF
4-6Cross step L over R, Hitch R knee up L with a slight turn to the L
1-3.Cross RF over LF, step L to L, recover on RF
4-6.Cross step L over R, Hitch R knee up L with a slight turn to the L
Cross, Side, Behind, Chasse to R, Cross, Syncopated shoulder sway (R,L,R) L Sailor 1/2 turn L
1-3Cross RF over L, step L to L, step RF back behind L (facing 1:30)
4 5&6.Cross LF over R, step R to R, step LF toward RF, step RF to R
1 2&3Cross LF over R, step R to R (Shoulder sway R,L,R) (12:00)
4-6Cross LF behind R turn 1/2 L and R to L, step forward L (6:00)
Step fwd R, 1/2 turn R, Step fwd L 1/2 turn L, Fwd big step, Kick, Cross , Unwind 7/8 turn R
1-3Step forward RF, step LF back make 1/4 R, step RF back toward to L make 1/4 R (12:00)
4-6Step forward LF, step RF back make 1/4 L, step LF back toward to R make 1/4 L (6:00)
1-3Step forward RF big step, Hitch LF knee up R (over 2 count )
4-6Cross LF over R, unwind 7/8 turn R over 2 count (end weight on R 4:30)
Notes: Restarts:-
Wall 2 After count 21 foot change, hold (weight on RF facing 10:30) Step LF backward(22)..then close RF to LF(23), Hold count 24.
Wall 4 After count 45 foot change, hold (weight on RF facing 4:30) Step LF backward(46)..then close RF to LF(47), Hold count 48.
Contact: fantasydancesport@yahoo.com