Phrased Improver
Intro; 32 counts – 15 secs approx (begin after Pitbull)
Sequence; AB AAAB AAAB AABB – change last 2 counts '7&8' to a ¾ turn right to finish facing 12 o'clock
Section A1: Rock, recover, coaster, walk forward x4 [clock facings for 1st wall]
1,2Rock forward on Right, recover weight back on Left
3&4Step back on Right, close Left beside Right, step forward on Right
5,6,7,8Walk forward Left, Right, Left, Right
Section A2: Rock, recover, coaster, ¼ pivot, ¼ pivot
1,2Rock forward on Left, recover weight back on Right
3&4Step back on Left, close Right beside Left, step forward on Left
5,6Step forward on Right, turn ¼ Left taking weight on Left
7,8Step forward on Right, turn ¼ Left taking weight on Left [6]
Section A3: Cross, side, sailor step, cross, ¼ turn, ¼ chasse
1,2Cross Right over Left, step Left to Left side
3&4Cross Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step Right to Right side
5,6Cross Left over Right, turn ¼ Left and step back on Right
7&8Turn ¼ Left and step Left to Left side, close Right beside Left, step Left to Left side [12]
Section A4: Samba x2, jazz box with ¼ turn
1&2Cross Right over Left, rock Left to Left side, recover weight on Right
3&4Cross Left over Right, rock Right to Right side, recover weight on Left
5,6Cross Right over Left, step back on Left
7,8Turn ¼ Right stepping on to Right, step forward on Left [3]
Section B1: Sway forward x4, sway back x4
1,2,3,4Step forward on Right with body facing Left diagonal and sway hips forward, back, forward, back (taking weight on Left)
5,6,7,8Step back on Right with body facing Right diagonal and sway hips back, forward, back, forward (taking weight on Left)
Section B2: ½ pivot, shuffle forward, walk, walk, shuffle forward
1,2Step forward on Right, pivot ½ Left taking weight on Left
3&4Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right
5,6Step forward Left, Right (harder option; full turn over Right)
7&8Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left [9]
Section B3: Sway forward x4, sway back x4
1-8Repeat Part B Section 1
Section B4: ½ pivot, shuffle forward, walk, walk, shuffle forward
1-8Repeat Part B Section 2 [3]
Contact: williebrownuk@yahoo.co.uk
Sequence; AB AAAB AAAB AABB – change last 2 counts '7&8' to a ¾ turn right to finish facing 12 o'clock
Section A1: Rock, recover, coaster, walk forward x4 [clock facings for 1st wall]
1,2Rock forward on Right, recover weight back on Left
3&4Step back on Right, close Left beside Right, step forward on Right
5,6,7,8Walk forward Left, Right, Left, Right
Section A2: Rock, recover, coaster, ¼ pivot, ¼ pivot
1,2Rock forward on Left, recover weight back on Right
3&4Step back on Left, close Right beside Left, step forward on Left
5,6Step forward on Right, turn ¼ Left taking weight on Left
7,8Step forward on Right, turn ¼ Left taking weight on Left [6]
Section A3: Cross, side, sailor step, cross, ¼ turn, ¼ chasse
1,2Cross Right over Left, step Left to Left side
3&4Cross Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step Right to Right side
5,6Cross Left over Right, turn ¼ Left and step back on Right
7&8Turn ¼ Left and step Left to Left side, close Right beside Left, step Left to Left side [12]
Section A4: Samba x2, jazz box with ¼ turn
1&2Cross Right over Left, rock Left to Left side, recover weight on Right
3&4Cross Left over Right, rock Right to Right side, recover weight on Left
5,6Cross Right over Left, step back on Left
7,8Turn ¼ Right stepping on to Right, step forward on Left [3]
Section B1: Sway forward x4, sway back x4
1,2,3,4Step forward on Right with body facing Left diagonal and sway hips forward, back, forward, back (taking weight on Left)
5,6,7,8Step back on Right with body facing Right diagonal and sway hips back, forward, back, forward (taking weight on Left)
Section B2: ½ pivot, shuffle forward, walk, walk, shuffle forward
1,2Step forward on Right, pivot ½ Left taking weight on Left
3&4Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right
5,6Step forward Left, Right (harder option; full turn over Right)
7&8Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left [9]
Section B3: Sway forward x4, sway back x4
1-8Repeat Part B Section 1
Section B4: ½ pivot, shuffle forward, walk, walk, shuffle forward
1-8Repeat Part B Section 2 [3]
Contact: williebrownuk@yahoo.co.uk