CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Something New

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Rhoda Lai (CAN) - March 2014
Something New - Nikki Yanofsky
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Notes: Restarts after 48cts in Walls 1 & 3

S1: R Toe Strut, L Toe Strut, R Touch and Dip, R Touch and Dip
1234touch R toe fwd, drop R heel, touch L toe fwd, drop L heel
5&6touch R toe to R fwd diagonal, step R next to L, step L fwd bending both knees with a dip
7&8touch R toe to R fwd diagonal, step R next to L, step L fwd bending both knees with a dip

S2: Step Diagonal Back R, L; Back Rock R, L Recover, R Forward Pivot ¼ L
12step R back diagonal with R arm swinging fwd and up (optional chest pop)
34step L back diagonal with L arm swinging fwd and up (optional chest pop)
5678rock back R, recover onto L, step forward R, pivot ¼ L (9:00)

S3: R Toe Heel Toe Heel; (1/8 L Flick and Touch) X2,
1swivel L heel to R while touching R toe to the side with R knee bent in towards L
2swivel L toe to R while touching R heel to the side
34repeat 12
56flick R foot with R hand touching R ankle while turning 1/8 L, touch R next to L
78repeat 56 (6:00)

S4: Hip Swings RLRL; Hip Roll ¼ L, Sit, Hip Bumps X2
1234with both knees bent, swing hips to the R, L, R, L
56roll hips counter-clockwise with ¼ L, ending weight on R with a sit
7&8Bump hips twice to the R (3:00)

S5: (L Step, R Touch and Clap Twice, R Step, L Touch and Slap) X 2
12&step fwd L, Touch R back while clapping hands twice
34Step R in place, swing R arm over R shoulder, Touch L fwd while slapping R hip with R hand
56&repeat 12&
78repeat 34

S6: L Fwd, R Step Pivot ½ L, ¼ L, L Out- Out-In- In/touch
1234step L fwd, step fwd R, pivot ½ L, ¼ L stepping R to the side
5678step L fwd to L diagonal, step R fwd to R diagonal, step L back in place, touch R next to L (6:00)

S7: Lindy R, Back Rock L, Lindy L, Back Rock R
1&2step R to the side, step L next to R, step R to the side
34rock back L, recover onto R
5&6step L to the side, step R next to L, step L to the side
78rock back R, recover onto L

S8: Paddle ¼ L X 2, R Paddle 1/ 8 L X 4
1234step fwd R, paddle ¼ L, step fwd R, paddle ¼ L, (optional hip rolls)
5&6&step fwd R, paddle 1/8 L, step fwd R, paddle 1/8 L (optional hip rolls)
7&8&repeat 5&6& (easier option for 5678: repeat 1234) (6:00)

Restart: on the 1st and 3rd rotations after S6 (both at 6:00)

Ending: on the 7th rotation, replace count 16 with pivot ½ L and take another ½ L close R next to L to face 12:00

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