Beginner Plus
Step description by Outta Line Country Dance Instruction
Intro: 32 counts
Right toe touches forward, together, side, together, step, ½ turn left, stomp, clap
1,2Touch right toe forward; touch right toe next to left foot.
3,4Touch right toe to side; touch right toe next to left foot.
5,6Step right foot forward; ½ turn left weighting left foot.
7,8Stomp right foot next to left; clap hands.
Left toe touches forward, together, side, together, step, ½ turn right, stomp, clap
9,10Touch left toe forward; touch left toe next to right foot.
11,12Touch left toe to side; touch left toe next to right foot.
13,14Step left foot forward; ½ turn right weighting right foot.
15,16Stomp left foot next to right; clap hands.
(Double Over) Weave right then left finishing with ¼ turn left
17,18Step right foot to side; cross left foot behind right.
19,20Step right foot to side; cross left foot over right.
21,22Cross right foot over left; step left foot to side.
23,24Cross right foot behind left; ¼ turn left stepping left foot forward.
Step right, clap, ¼ turn left, clap, step right, clap, ¼ turn left, clap
25,26Step right foot forward; clap hands.
27,28¼ turn left weighting left foot; clap hands
29,30Step right foot forward; clap hands.
31,32¼ turn left weighting left foot; clap hands.
Restart: When danced to “Step Off” on 5th wall restart after 16 counts.
Contact: Greg & Samantha Van Zilen (860) 537-5849 - outtalinedj@aol.com
Intro: 32 counts
Right toe touches forward, together, side, together, step, ½ turn left, stomp, clap
1,2Touch right toe forward; touch right toe next to left foot.
3,4Touch right toe to side; touch right toe next to left foot.
5,6Step right foot forward; ½ turn left weighting left foot.
7,8Stomp right foot next to left; clap hands.
Left toe touches forward, together, side, together, step, ½ turn right, stomp, clap
9,10Touch left toe forward; touch left toe next to right foot.
11,12Touch left toe to side; touch left toe next to right foot.
13,14Step left foot forward; ½ turn right weighting right foot.
15,16Stomp left foot next to right; clap hands.
(Double Over) Weave right then left finishing with ¼ turn left
17,18Step right foot to side; cross left foot behind right.
19,20Step right foot to side; cross left foot over right.
21,22Cross right foot over left; step left foot to side.
23,24Cross right foot behind left; ¼ turn left stepping left foot forward.
Step right, clap, ¼ turn left, clap, step right, clap, ¼ turn left, clap
25,26Step right foot forward; clap hands.
27,28¼ turn left weighting left foot; clap hands
29,30Step right foot forward; clap hands.
31,32¼ turn left weighting left foot; clap hands.
Restart: When danced to “Step Off” on 5th wall restart after 16 counts.
Contact: Greg & Samantha Van Zilen (860) 537-5849 - outtalinedj@aol.com