Start : The dance counting ten seconds from beginning of music
Counts : A16 / B 16 / Bridge C 4
Order of dance: A16 - B16 –C4 / B-A / B- C / B- A / B-C / B-B-A / B-B-A-A /
During instruments follow A16 / On lyric B16 / Bridge : Follow C4 at end of wall 1-3-5
Order A - 16 counts
Cross Shuffle 1/8 Left . Cross Shuffle 1/8 Right . Walk walk . Vaudeville
&1&2Travelling slightly left . cross R over L . step L to left .cross RV over L
&3&4Travelling slightly right . cross L over R . step R to right . cross L over R
5-6Forward walk on R L
7&8Cross R over L . step L small step to left . touch right heel forward
Cross Shuffle 1/8 right . Cross Shuffle 1/8 Left . Walk Walk . Vaudeville
&9&10Replace R . travelling slightly right cross L over R .step R to right . cross L over R
&11&12Travelling slightly to left .cross R over L . step L to left . cross R over L
13-14Forward walk on L R
15&16Cross L over R . step R small step to right . touch left heel forward
Order B - 16 counts
Heel Touch . Cross Shuffle . Rock Step . Shuffle ½ Turn right x2 . Step ¼ Turn right
&17&18Replace L . touch right heel forward . replace R next to L . touch left heel forward
&19&20Replace L .travelling left . cross R over L . step L to left . cross R over L
21&22&Touch left heel forward . replace L . touch right heel forward . replace R
23&24Tavelling to right . cross L over R . step R to right . cross L over R
25-26Rock R forward . replace L
27&28Step R ½ turn right . step L next to R . step R forward ( shuffle )
29&30Step L back ½ turn right . step R next to L . step back on L
30&32Step on R and L ¼ turn right
Bridge : Order C : At the end of wall 1-3-5
Jazz Box
1-4Cross R over L . replace L . step R to right . replace L
Wall 1 . A.B.C || Wall 4 . B.A || Wall 7. B.B.A.A.
Wall 2. B.A || Wall 5. B..C || At the last A of wall 7 turn ¼ turn to left ( 12.00)
Wall 3. B.C. || Wall 6 . B.B.A ||
Contact: disco@skynet.be
Counts : A16 / B 16 / Bridge C 4
Order of dance: A16 - B16 –C4 / B-A / B- C / B- A / B-C / B-B-A / B-B-A-A /
During instruments follow A16 / On lyric B16 / Bridge : Follow C4 at end of wall 1-3-5
Order A - 16 counts
Cross Shuffle 1/8 Left . Cross Shuffle 1/8 Right . Walk walk . Vaudeville
&1&2Travelling slightly left . cross R over L . step L to left .cross RV over L
&3&4Travelling slightly right . cross L over R . step R to right . cross L over R
5-6Forward walk on R L
7&8Cross R over L . step L small step to left . touch right heel forward
Cross Shuffle 1/8 right . Cross Shuffle 1/8 Left . Walk Walk . Vaudeville
&9&10Replace R . travelling slightly right cross L over R .step R to right . cross L over R
&11&12Travelling slightly to left .cross R over L . step L to left . cross R over L
13-14Forward walk on L R
15&16Cross L over R . step R small step to right . touch left heel forward
Order B - 16 counts
Heel Touch . Cross Shuffle . Rock Step . Shuffle ½ Turn right x2 . Step ¼ Turn right
&17&18Replace L . touch right heel forward . replace R next to L . touch left heel forward
&19&20Replace L .travelling left . cross R over L . step L to left . cross R over L
21&22&Touch left heel forward . replace L . touch right heel forward . replace R
23&24Tavelling to right . cross L over R . step R to right . cross L over R
25-26Rock R forward . replace L
27&28Step R ½ turn right . step L next to R . step R forward ( shuffle )
29&30Step L back ½ turn right . step R next to L . step back on L
30&32Step on R and L ¼ turn right
Bridge : Order C : At the end of wall 1-3-5
Jazz Box
1-4Cross R over L . replace L . step R to right . replace L
Wall 1 . A.B.C || Wall 4 . B.A || Wall 7. B.B.A.A.
Wall 2. B.A || Wall 5. B..C || At the last A of wall 7 turn ¼ turn to left ( 12.00)
Wall 3. B.C. || Wall 6 . B.B.A ||
Contact: disco@skynet.be