Intermediate / Advanced - Country, Lilt
S1) COUNTS 1 - 8
1&2LF diagonal shuffle fwd
3&4RF diagonal shuffle fwd
5,6LF cross over RF, turn ¼ L, step RF back (9:00)
7,8Turn ¼ L, LF big step to L side, slide RF towards LF (6:00)
S2) COUNTS 9 - 16
&1,2Cross RF behind LF, turn ¼ L, step LF fwd (3:00), turn ½ L, step RF back (9:00)
3,4Turn ½ L, step LF fwd (3:00), cross RF over LF
5&6Shuffle LF backwards
7&8Coaster Step (R, L, R)
S3) COUNTS 17 - 24
1&2Touch LF fwd, close LF next to RF, touch RF fwd
&3,4Close RF next to LF, step LF fwd, turn ¾ R (12:00)
5,6Step LF to the L side, sweep RF from front to back
7&8Cross RF behind LF, step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF
S4) COUNTS 25- 32
1&2Shuffle LF fwd
3,4Step RF fwd, turn ½ L, step LF fwd (6:00)
5&6Full turn L, triple step (R, L, R)
7,8Step LF fwd, turn ½ R, step RF fwd (12:00)
S5) COUNTS 33 - 40
1&2LF kick ball step
3&4LF kick across RF, step LF next to RF, RF kick across LF
&5,6Step RF next to LF, LF cross over RF, turn ¼ L, step RF back (9:00)
7&8Shuffle LF to L side
S6) COUNTS 41 - 48
1,2RF rock fwd, LF recover
3,4RF rock side, LF recover
5&6RF sailor step
7&8LF sailor step with ¼ turn L (ending 6:00), Preparation
S7) COUNTS 49 - 56
1-3 2Pirouettes R, with weight on LF
&4RF rock backwards, LF recover
5&6Shuffle RF to R side
&7,8Step LF next to RF, turn ¼ L flick RF (3:00), step RF fwd
S8) COUNTS 57 - 64
1,2Step LF fwd, turn ½ R, step RF fwd (9:00)
3&4Full turn R, triple step (L, R, L)
5,6RF rock fwd, LF recover
7&8RF coaster step (R, L, R)
RESTART: At the 5th wall, after doing Counts 41 – 48. Making on counts 7&8 ¼ turn L sailor touch (touch LF next to RF) and start again with the dance (6:00)
Contact: barbaraseelt@live.nl
1&2LF diagonal shuffle fwd
3&4RF diagonal shuffle fwd
5,6LF cross over RF, turn ¼ L, step RF back (9:00)
7,8Turn ¼ L, LF big step to L side, slide RF towards LF (6:00)
S2) COUNTS 9 - 16
&1,2Cross RF behind LF, turn ¼ L, step LF fwd (3:00), turn ½ L, step RF back (9:00)
3,4Turn ½ L, step LF fwd (3:00), cross RF over LF
5&6Shuffle LF backwards
7&8Coaster Step (R, L, R)
S3) COUNTS 17 - 24
1&2Touch LF fwd, close LF next to RF, touch RF fwd
&3,4Close RF next to LF, step LF fwd, turn ¾ R (12:00)
5,6Step LF to the L side, sweep RF from front to back
7&8Cross RF behind LF, step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF
S4) COUNTS 25- 32
1&2Shuffle LF fwd
3,4Step RF fwd, turn ½ L, step LF fwd (6:00)
5&6Full turn L, triple step (R, L, R)
7,8Step LF fwd, turn ½ R, step RF fwd (12:00)
S5) COUNTS 33 - 40
1&2LF kick ball step
3&4LF kick across RF, step LF next to RF, RF kick across LF
&5,6Step RF next to LF, LF cross over RF, turn ¼ L, step RF back (9:00)
7&8Shuffle LF to L side
S6) COUNTS 41 - 48
1,2RF rock fwd, LF recover
3,4RF rock side, LF recover
5&6RF sailor step
7&8LF sailor step with ¼ turn L (ending 6:00), Preparation
S7) COUNTS 49 - 56
1-3 2Pirouettes R, with weight on LF
&4RF rock backwards, LF recover
5&6Shuffle RF to R side
&7,8Step LF next to RF, turn ¼ L flick RF (3:00), step RF fwd
S8) COUNTS 57 - 64
1,2Step LF fwd, turn ½ R, step RF fwd (9:00)
3&4Full turn R, triple step (L, R, L)
5,6RF rock fwd, LF recover
7&8RF coaster step (R, L, R)
RESTART: At the 5th wall, after doing Counts 41 – 48. Making on counts 7&8 ¼ turn L sailor touch (touch LF next to RF) and start again with the dance (6:00)
Contact: barbaraseelt@live.nl