Rock, Recover, Coaster 2x (R/L)
1 2Rock forward on right, recover weight back to left
3&4Step back right, together left, step forward right
5 6Rock forward on left, recover weight back to right
7&8Step back left, together right, step forward left
Behind & Heel, Weave, Behind & Heel, 1/4 Weave
1&2Step right diagonal right, step left behind right, tap right heel diagonal
3&4Cross right behind left, together left, cross right over left
5&6Step left diagonal left, step right behind left, tap left heel diagonal
7&8Cross left behind right, together right, 1/4 turn right step forward left
Restart happens here - Wall 2
Walk, Walk, Out Out, In In, Walk, Walk, Run
1 2Step forward right, step forward left
&3&4Out right, out left, In right, In left
5 6Step forward right, step forward left
7&8&Step forward right, step forward left, step forward right, step forward left (small steps)
1/2 Pivot Turn 2x, Cross & Heel, Cross & Heel
1 2Step forward right, turn 1/2 turn (weight on left)
3 4Step forward right, turn 1/2 turn (weight on left)
5&6&Cross right over left, Step back left, tap right heel forward, together right
7&8&Cross left over right, step back right, tap left heel forward, together left
Restart: Happens on the second wall do the first 16 counts and then restart
Tag: complete wall 7 - then add a Rocking Chair
1 2Rock forward on right, recover back left
3 4Rock back on right, recover forward left
1 2Rock forward on right, recover weight back to left
3&4Step back right, together left, step forward right
5 6Rock forward on left, recover weight back to right
7&8Step back left, together right, step forward left
Behind & Heel, Weave, Behind & Heel, 1/4 Weave
1&2Step right diagonal right, step left behind right, tap right heel diagonal
3&4Cross right behind left, together left, cross right over left
5&6Step left diagonal left, step right behind left, tap left heel diagonal
7&8Cross left behind right, together right, 1/4 turn right step forward left
Restart happens here - Wall 2
Walk, Walk, Out Out, In In, Walk, Walk, Run
1 2Step forward right, step forward left
&3&4Out right, out left, In right, In left
5 6Step forward right, step forward left
7&8&Step forward right, step forward left, step forward right, step forward left (small steps)
1/2 Pivot Turn 2x, Cross & Heel, Cross & Heel
1 2Step forward right, turn 1/2 turn (weight on left)
3 4Step forward right, turn 1/2 turn (weight on left)
5&6&Cross right over left, Step back left, tap right heel forward, together right
7&8&Cross left over right, step back right, tap left heel forward, together left
Restart: Happens on the second wall do the first 16 counts and then restart
Tag: complete wall 7 - then add a Rocking Chair
1 2Rock forward on right, recover back left
3 4Rock back on right, recover forward left