CopperKnob Stepsheets

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S.T.D. (Sample The Dip) (P)

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Intermediate Partner
Greg Van Zilen (USA) & Samantha Van Zilen (USA) - February 2011
Step description by Outta Line Country Dance Instruction

Starting position: Single Hand Hold facing LOD - Footwork: Mirror

¼ turn face, cross behind, ¼ turn LOD, step forward, step-turn ½, step-turn ½
1-4Man: ¼ turn R stepping L foot to side; cross R foot behind L; ¼ turn L stepping L foot forward; step R foot forward.
1-4Lady: ¼ turn L stepping R foot to side; cross L foot behind R; ¼ turn R stepping R foot forward; step L foot forward.
5-8Man: Step L foot forward; turn ½ R transferring weight to R; step L foot forward; turn ½ R transferring weight to R.
5-8Lady: Step R foot forward; turn ½ L transferring weight to L; step R foot forward; turn ½ L transferring weight to L.
When facing partner on counts 1-2 join in two-hand hold releasing man’s left and lady’s right on 3. Join man’s left and lady’s right hands while releasing mans’ right and lady’s left on count 6. Release hands and rejoin man’s right and lady’s left on count 8.

4 shuffles: ¼ turn facing partner, ¼ turn facing RLOD, ¼ turn facing partner, ¼ turn facing LOD
9&10Man: ¼ turn right stepping left foot to side; step right foot next to left; step left foot to side.
9&10Lady: ¼ turn left stepping right foot to side; step left foot next to right; step right foot to side.
11&12Man: ¼ turn right stepping right foot back; step left foot next to right; step right foot back.
11&12Lady: ¼ turn left stepping left foot back; step right foot next to left; step left foot back.

13&14Man: ¼ turn left stepping left foot to side; step right foot next to left; step left foot to side.
13&14Lady: ¼ turn right stepping right foot to side; step left foot next to right; step right foot to side.
15&16Man: ¼ turn left stepping right foot forward; step left foot next to right; step right foot forward.
15&16Lady: ¼ turn right stepping left foot forward; step right foot next to left; step left foot forward.
1st shuffle two-hand hold. 2nd shuffle release man’s right and lady’s left hands.
3rd shuffle two-hand hold. 4th shuffle release man’s left and lady’s right hands.

Diagonal, touch, angle, touch, facing, touch, cross, ¼ turn touch
17,18Man: Step left foot forward on a left diagonal; touch right foot next to left.
17,18Lady: Step right foot forward on a right diagonal; touch left foot next to right.
19,20Man: 1/8 turn left stepping right foot to side; touch left foot next to right.
19,20Lady: 1/8 turn right stepping left foot to side; touch right foot next to left.

21,22Man: 1/8 turn left stepping left foot to side; touch right foot next to left.
21,22Lady: 1/8 turn right stepping right foot to side; touch left foot next to right.
23,24Man: Step right foot forward making ¼ turn right; touch left toe to side.
23,24Lady: Step left foot forward making ¼ turn left; touch right toe to side.
Raise hands on count 19, lower on 21-22, raise on 23 and lower on 24.
Man will pass in front of the lady during 19-20 and 23-24.

Step forward, step forward with slight dip, hip bumps, step forward, step forward with slight dip, hip bumps
25,26Man: Step left foot forward; step right foot forward slightly bending knee.
25,26Lady: Step right foot forward; step left foot forward slightly bending knee.
27&28Man: Bump hips right; left; right.
27&28Lady: Bump hips left; right; left.

29,30Man: Step left foot forward; step right foot forward slightly bending knee.
29,30Lady: Step right foot forward; step left foot forward slightly bending knee.
31&32Man: Bump hips right; left; right.
31&32Lady: Bump hips left; right; left.

Contact: Greg & Samantha Van Zilen (860) 537-5849

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