Beginner Plus - Partner
Step description by Outta Line Country Dance Instruction
Same Footwork except where noted
Starting Position: Side-by-Side aka Sweetheart facing LOD
(Start on vocals)
(1-8, “stormy seas”) ¼ turn right, sway, left side shuffle, right sailor step, ¼ left coaster step
1,2¼ turn right stepping left foot to side, sway body right weighting right foot. Now facing OLOD
3&4Step left foot to side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to side.
5&6Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to side, step right foot slightly to side.
7&8¼ turn left stepping left foot back, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward. Now facing LOD
Hands: Bring both hands to lady’s shoulders in tandem position while facing OLOD.
Return to side-by-side during turning coaster step.
(9-16, “around the island”) Man takes steps in place as lady circles man counter-clockwise
9,10Man: Step in place right, left.
11&12Man: Triple step in place right, left, right.
13,14Man: Step in place left; right.
15&16Man: Triple step in place left, right, left.
9,10Lady: Walk in front of man stepping right, left. Now facing ILOD
11&12Lady: Shuffle moving to man’s side stepping right, left, right. Now facing RLOD
13,14Lady: Walk behind man stepping left, right. Now facing OLOD
15&16Lady: Shuffle moving to man’s side stepping left, right, left. Now facing LOD
Hands: Release right and raise left hands as lady circles man rejoining right on completion of circle.
(17-24, “walk the plank”) Step forward right, left, right locking shuffle, step left, together right, heel lift
17,18Step right foot forward, step left foot forward.
19&20Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right, step right foot forward.
21,22Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left.
23,24Raise heels, lower heels ending with weight on right foot.
Styling note: Raise shoulders and slightly arch back during heel lift as if looking over the edge.
(25-32, “get away”) Step back left, right, ½ turn left shuffle, step-turn ½ left, right locking shuffle
25,26Step left foot back, step right foot back.
27&28¼ turn L stepping L foot to side, step R foot next to L, ¼ turn L stepping L foot forward. Now facing RLOD
29,30Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left weighting left foot. Now facing LOD
31&32Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right, step right foot forward.
Hands: Release right hands on count 26 and raise left. Keep left hands raised until count 30
rejoining right hands returning to side-by-side position.
Contact: Greg & Samantha Van Zilen (860) 537-5849 outtalinedj@aol.com
Same Footwork except where noted
Starting Position: Side-by-Side aka Sweetheart facing LOD
(Start on vocals)
(1-8, “stormy seas”) ¼ turn right, sway, left side shuffle, right sailor step, ¼ left coaster step
1,2¼ turn right stepping left foot to side, sway body right weighting right foot. Now facing OLOD
3&4Step left foot to side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to side.
5&6Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to side, step right foot slightly to side.
7&8¼ turn left stepping left foot back, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward. Now facing LOD
Hands: Bring both hands to lady’s shoulders in tandem position while facing OLOD.
Return to side-by-side during turning coaster step.
(9-16, “around the island”) Man takes steps in place as lady circles man counter-clockwise
9,10Man: Step in place right, left.
11&12Man: Triple step in place right, left, right.
13,14Man: Step in place left; right.
15&16Man: Triple step in place left, right, left.
9,10Lady: Walk in front of man stepping right, left. Now facing ILOD
11&12Lady: Shuffle moving to man’s side stepping right, left, right. Now facing RLOD
13,14Lady: Walk behind man stepping left, right. Now facing OLOD
15&16Lady: Shuffle moving to man’s side stepping left, right, left. Now facing LOD
Hands: Release right and raise left hands as lady circles man rejoining right on completion of circle.
(17-24, “walk the plank”) Step forward right, left, right locking shuffle, step left, together right, heel lift
17,18Step right foot forward, step left foot forward.
19&20Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right, step right foot forward.
21,22Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left.
23,24Raise heels, lower heels ending with weight on right foot.
Styling note: Raise shoulders and slightly arch back during heel lift as if looking over the edge.
(25-32, “get away”) Step back left, right, ½ turn left shuffle, step-turn ½ left, right locking shuffle
25,26Step left foot back, step right foot back.
27&28¼ turn L stepping L foot to side, step R foot next to L, ¼ turn L stepping L foot forward. Now facing RLOD
29,30Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left weighting left foot. Now facing LOD
31&32Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right, step right foot forward.
Hands: Release right hands on count 26 and raise left. Keep left hands raised until count 30
rejoining right hands returning to side-by-side position.
Contact: Greg & Samantha Van Zilen (860) 537-5849 outtalinedj@aol.com