Phrased Advanced
Intro : 16 counts - A 30 counts , B 48 counts , Tag 8 counts
Phrasing: A, B, A, B, Tag, B
(N.B. Clock notations are to the wall you are facing)
Part A
Press R, Recover with 1/2 turn R and sweep R from front to back, Sailor R, Skate L/R, Cross with 1/2 turn L
1Rf press across and in front of Lf
2Recover weight on Lf , whilst making 1/2 turn right sweeping Rf from front to back (6 o'clock)
3&4Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step to left, Rf step diagonally forward (7.30 o'clock)
5,6Lf skate to left diagonal (4.30), Rf skate to right diagonal (7.30 o'clock)
7&8Lf cross in front of Rf, make 1/4 turn left stepping Rf back, make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf left
Syncopated rocksteps , Touch forward R, Sweep with 1/2 turn R, Touch side L, Crosssailor L
9&Rf cross rock in front of Lf, recover onto Lf (12 o'clock)
10&Rf rock to right, recover onto Lf
11,12Rf touch in front of Lf, make 1/2 turn right whilst stepping Rf next to Lf (6 o'clock)
13Lf touch to left
14&15Lf cross in front of Rf, Rf step right, Lf step left
Counts 16-30 repeat counts 1-15 - ( you will end up again to your 12.00 o'clock wall)
Part B
Walk R/L, Weave, Sweep L, Sailor L with 1/4 turn R, Hold, Run R/L/R,
1,2Rf step forward across Lf, Lf step forward across Rf
3&4Rf cross in front of Lf, Lf step to left, Rf cross behind Lf whilst sweeping Lf from front to back
5&Lf cross behind Rf, make 1/4 turn right stepping forward Rf (3 o'clock)
6,7Lf press toes forward, take weight on Lf
8&9Rf small step forward, Lf small step forward, Rf small step forward
1/2 turn L, 1/2 turn R with sweep R, Behind/Side, Cross rock R/recover, Side, Cross rock L/recover, Side
10Make 1/2 turn left on ball of Rf (weight remains on Rf)
11Make 1/2 turn right on ball of Lf whilst sweeping Rf from front to back
12&13Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step left, Rf cross rock in front of Lf
14&15recover onto Lf, Rf step right, Lf cross rock in front of Rf
16&Recover onto Rf, Lf step left*
Counts 17-32, repeat counts 1-16 - (You will end up to 6 o'clock wall)
* after count 32 , The & count you will step Lf back instead of side left!!
Touch back R, 1/4 turn R with weight change, Sway L, Basic nightclub R, 1/4 turn R, 1 and 1/2 turn R with sweep, Cross Sailor L (travelling backward)
33Rf touch back
34Make slow 1/4 turn right with weight change to Rf (9 o'clock)
&35Sway hips to left, step Rf to right
36&37Lf step next to Rf, Rf cross in front of Lf, make 1/4 turn right stepping Lf back (12 o'clock)
38&Make 1/2 turn right stepping Rf forward, make 1/2 turn right stepping Lf back
39Make 1/2 turn right stepping Rf forward whilst sweeping Lf from back to front (6 o'clock)
40&41Lf cross in front of Rf, Rf step diagonal back right, Lf step diagonal back left
Cross Sailor R (travelling backward), Cross R in front of L, Unwind 1/2 turn R with sweep, Behind/Side, Cross rock R, Recover onto L
42&43Rf cross in front of Lf, Lf step diagonal back left, Rf step diagonal back right
44,45Lf cross in front of Rf, unwind 1/2 turn right sweeping Rf from front to back (12 o'clock)
46&Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step left
47,48Rf cross rock in front of Lf, recover onto Lf
Basic night club R with 1/2 turn R, Basic night club R with 1/2 turn R, sweep R with Sailor R
1Rf step to right
2&Lf step next to Rf, Rf cross in front of Lf
3Lf step to left whilst making 1/2 turn right (6 o'clock)
4&Rf step to right , Lf cross in front of Rf
5Rf step to right
6&Lf step next to Lf, Rf cross in front of Lf
7Lf step to left whilst making 1/2 turn right sweeping Rf from front to back (12 o'clock)
8&Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step to left
Contact: leeuw.nobelen@gmail.com
Phrasing: A, B, A, B, Tag, B
(N.B. Clock notations are to the wall you are facing)
Part A
Press R, Recover with 1/2 turn R and sweep R from front to back, Sailor R, Skate L/R, Cross with 1/2 turn L
1Rf press across and in front of Lf
2Recover weight on Lf , whilst making 1/2 turn right sweeping Rf from front to back (6 o'clock)
3&4Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step to left, Rf step diagonally forward (7.30 o'clock)
5,6Lf skate to left diagonal (4.30), Rf skate to right diagonal (7.30 o'clock)
7&8Lf cross in front of Rf, make 1/4 turn left stepping Rf back, make 1/4 turn left stepping Lf left
Syncopated rocksteps , Touch forward R, Sweep with 1/2 turn R, Touch side L, Crosssailor L
9&Rf cross rock in front of Lf, recover onto Lf (12 o'clock)
10&Rf rock to right, recover onto Lf
11,12Rf touch in front of Lf, make 1/2 turn right whilst stepping Rf next to Lf (6 o'clock)
13Lf touch to left
14&15Lf cross in front of Rf, Rf step right, Lf step left
Counts 16-30 repeat counts 1-15 - ( you will end up again to your 12.00 o'clock wall)
Part B
Walk R/L, Weave, Sweep L, Sailor L with 1/4 turn R, Hold, Run R/L/R,
1,2Rf step forward across Lf, Lf step forward across Rf
3&4Rf cross in front of Lf, Lf step to left, Rf cross behind Lf whilst sweeping Lf from front to back
5&Lf cross behind Rf, make 1/4 turn right stepping forward Rf (3 o'clock)
6,7Lf press toes forward, take weight on Lf
8&9Rf small step forward, Lf small step forward, Rf small step forward
1/2 turn L, 1/2 turn R with sweep R, Behind/Side, Cross rock R/recover, Side, Cross rock L/recover, Side
10Make 1/2 turn left on ball of Rf (weight remains on Rf)
11Make 1/2 turn right on ball of Lf whilst sweeping Rf from front to back
12&13Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step left, Rf cross rock in front of Lf
14&15recover onto Lf, Rf step right, Lf cross rock in front of Rf
16&Recover onto Rf, Lf step left*
Counts 17-32, repeat counts 1-16 - (You will end up to 6 o'clock wall)
* after count 32 , The & count you will step Lf back instead of side left!!
Touch back R, 1/4 turn R with weight change, Sway L, Basic nightclub R, 1/4 turn R, 1 and 1/2 turn R with sweep, Cross Sailor L (travelling backward)
33Rf touch back
34Make slow 1/4 turn right with weight change to Rf (9 o'clock)
&35Sway hips to left, step Rf to right
36&37Lf step next to Rf, Rf cross in front of Lf, make 1/4 turn right stepping Lf back (12 o'clock)
38&Make 1/2 turn right stepping Rf forward, make 1/2 turn right stepping Lf back
39Make 1/2 turn right stepping Rf forward whilst sweeping Lf from back to front (6 o'clock)
40&41Lf cross in front of Rf, Rf step diagonal back right, Lf step diagonal back left
Cross Sailor R (travelling backward), Cross R in front of L, Unwind 1/2 turn R with sweep, Behind/Side, Cross rock R, Recover onto L
42&43Rf cross in front of Lf, Lf step diagonal back left, Rf step diagonal back right
44,45Lf cross in front of Rf, unwind 1/2 turn right sweeping Rf from front to back (12 o'clock)
46&Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step left
47,48Rf cross rock in front of Lf, recover onto Lf
Basic night club R with 1/2 turn R, Basic night club R with 1/2 turn R, sweep R with Sailor R
1Rf step to right
2&Lf step next to Rf, Rf cross in front of Lf
3Lf step to left whilst making 1/2 turn right (6 o'clock)
4&Rf step to right , Lf cross in front of Rf
5Rf step to right
6&Lf step next to Lf, Rf cross in front of Lf
7Lf step to left whilst making 1/2 turn right sweeping Rf from front to back (12 o'clock)
8&Rf cross behind Lf, Lf step to left
Contact: leeuw.nobelen@gmail.com