High Beginner
32 count intro, at the start of the vocals
[1-8] Out R, L, Hip Rolls R, Out L, R, Hip Rolls L
1-2R to R side, rolling hips out, L to L side, rolling hips out
3&4R Hip roll x 2 clockwise, ending with weight on R
5-6L to L side, rolling hips out, R to R side, rolling hips out
7-8L hip roll x2 counter-clockwise, ending with weight on L
[Styling: Instead of hip rolls, triple step R or L (for each respective set of hip rolls). Make sure to take small steps as those doing the hip rolls will not be moving much.]
[9-16] Box Step, Box Step ¼ R
1-2Cross R over L, Step back L,
3-4Step Side R, Forward L
5-6Cross R over L, Step back L
7-8¼ R Stepping Side R, Forward L
[Styling: Shimmy during the second box]
[17-24] Step, Kick, Back, Point x2
1-2Walk R, Kick L forward
3-4Back L, Point R back
5-6Walk R, Kick L forward
7-8Back L, Point R back
[25-32] Heel Grind x 3 (Moving Slightly L), Rock Back
1-2Grind R heel, in front of/slightly crossed over L, step side L
3-4Grind R heel, in front of/slightly crossed over L, step side L
5-6Grind R heel, in front of/slightly crossed over L, step side L
7-8Rock back R, Recover weight back on L
Restart: During wall 5. Dance the first 24 counts, hold for 4 counts and begin again. This happens while facing the 3:00 wall.
Contact: amyleeanne@gmail.com
[1-8] Out R, L, Hip Rolls R, Out L, R, Hip Rolls L
1-2R to R side, rolling hips out, L to L side, rolling hips out
3&4R Hip roll x 2 clockwise, ending with weight on R
5-6L to L side, rolling hips out, R to R side, rolling hips out
7-8L hip roll x2 counter-clockwise, ending with weight on L
[Styling: Instead of hip rolls, triple step R or L (for each respective set of hip rolls). Make sure to take small steps as those doing the hip rolls will not be moving much.]
[9-16] Box Step, Box Step ¼ R
1-2Cross R over L, Step back L,
3-4Step Side R, Forward L
5-6Cross R over L, Step back L
7-8¼ R Stepping Side R, Forward L
[Styling: Shimmy during the second box]
[17-24] Step, Kick, Back, Point x2
1-2Walk R, Kick L forward
3-4Back L, Point R back
5-6Walk R, Kick L forward
7-8Back L, Point R back
[25-32] Heel Grind x 3 (Moving Slightly L), Rock Back
1-2Grind R heel, in front of/slightly crossed over L, step side L
3-4Grind R heel, in front of/slightly crossed over L, step side L
5-6Grind R heel, in front of/slightly crossed over L, step side L
7-8Rock back R, Recover weight back on L
Restart: During wall 5. Dance the first 24 counts, hold for 4 counts and begin again. This happens while facing the 3:00 wall.
Contact: amyleeanne@gmail.com