High Beginner
16 count intro
Rock forward, recover, step back, hold, rock back, recover, step forward, hold
1-4Rock R forward, recover L, step R back, hold
5-8Rock L back, recover R, step L forward, hold
Step paddle ¼ (X2), cross, back, side
1-4Step R forward, paddle ¼ left (X2) (use hips ..circular motion) [6:00]
** Restart here on wall 6 (instrumental music)
5-8Cross R across L, step L back, step R to side, hold
Cross, side, behind, sweep, behind, side, cross, hold
1-4Cross L over R, step R to side, step L behind R, sweep R from front to back,
5-8Step R behind L, step L to left side, cross R over L, hold
Turn ¼ step back, hold, sway R, sway L, slow sways R L
1-4Turn ¼ right step L back, hold, sway R, sway L [9:00]
** Restart here on walls 3 and 8
5-8Sway R over 2 beats, sway L over 2 beats
3 easy Restarts in dance – you can hear the music change each time:
Restart on wall 3 after count 28 (starts facing 6:00 restarts facing 3:00…on words ‘to hold me’
music slows….the two sways R and L will be slower
Restart on wall 6 after count 12 (starts facing 9:00 Restarts facing 3:00)
music changes to instrumental
Restart on wall 8 after count 28 (starts facing 12:00 Restarts facing 9:00..on words ‘from crying’
music slows….the two sways R and L will be slower
On wall 11 the music slows on counts 25-32……just keep dancing
Ending: After the music slows on wall 11, on wall 12 you will do the first 16 counts, then touch L back and turn ½ left to face front.
Contact: jrdancing@bellsouth.net
Rock forward, recover, step back, hold, rock back, recover, step forward, hold
1-4Rock R forward, recover L, step R back, hold
5-8Rock L back, recover R, step L forward, hold
Step paddle ¼ (X2), cross, back, side
1-4Step R forward, paddle ¼ left (X2) (use hips ..circular motion) [6:00]
** Restart here on wall 6 (instrumental music)
5-8Cross R across L, step L back, step R to side, hold
Cross, side, behind, sweep, behind, side, cross, hold
1-4Cross L over R, step R to side, step L behind R, sweep R from front to back,
5-8Step R behind L, step L to left side, cross R over L, hold
Turn ¼ step back, hold, sway R, sway L, slow sways R L
1-4Turn ¼ right step L back, hold, sway R, sway L [9:00]
** Restart here on walls 3 and 8
5-8Sway R over 2 beats, sway L over 2 beats
3 easy Restarts in dance – you can hear the music change each time:
Restart on wall 3 after count 28 (starts facing 6:00 restarts facing 3:00…on words ‘to hold me’
music slows….the two sways R and L will be slower
Restart on wall 6 after count 12 (starts facing 9:00 Restarts facing 3:00)
music changes to instrumental
Restart on wall 8 after count 28 (starts facing 12:00 Restarts facing 9:00..on words ‘from crying’
music slows….the two sways R and L will be slower
On wall 11 the music slows on counts 25-32……just keep dancing
Ending: After the music slows on wall 11, on wall 12 you will do the first 16 counts, then touch L back and turn ½ left to face front.
Contact: jrdancing@bellsouth.net