32 counts in from heavy beat, start on vocals
(1-8) Right Dorothy steps, left Dorothy steps, pivot ½ turn, walk, walk
1-2&Step R forward, lock left behind right, step R forward (small steps)
3-4&Step L forward, lock right behind left, step L forward (small steps)
5-6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn left
7-8Step forward right, step forward left
(9-16) R side cha cha, L side cha cha, R side cha cha, sway, sway
1-2&Step R long step to right side, step left next to right, step right in place
3-4&Step L long step to left side, step right next to left, step left in place
5-6&Step R long step to right side, step left next to right, step right in place
7-8Step left to side swaying hips left, step right to right side swaying hips right
(17-24) L side, sailor, sailor, behind, side, cross, unwind
1-2&3Step L long step to left side, step R behind left, step L next to right, step R in place
4&5Step L behind right, step R next to left, step L in place,
6&7Step R behind left, step L to side, cross R over left
8Unwind ½ turn left
(25-32) R & L Syncopated cross rock/recover/side, cross, side, behind, side , cross
1-2&Cross rock R over left, recover weight on left, step R to right side
3-4&Cross rock L over right, recover weight on right, step L to left side
5-6&Cross R over left, step L to left side, step right behind left
7-8Step L to left side, cross R over left
(33-40) L side shuffle, back rock, recover, shuffle ¼ right, shuffle ½ right
1&2Step L to left side, step R next to right, step L to left side
3-4Rock back on R , recover weight on left
5&6Step R to right side, step left next to right, turn ¼ right stepping R forward
**Tag and Restart during wall 5 : No turn on count 38, add tag and restart dance from the beginning (facing 12.o’clock)
7&8Turn ¼ right stepping L to left side, step R next to left, turn ¼ right stepping back on left
(41-48) Rock back, recover, shuffle ½ left, shuffle ¼ left, cross rock ,recover
1-2Rock back on right, recover weight on left
3&4Turn ¼ left stepping R to right side, step L next to right, turn ¼ left stepping back on right
5&6Turn ¼ left stepping L to left side, step R next to left, step L to left side
7-8Cross rock right over left, recover weight on left
(49-56) Side, sailor ¼ turn right, sailor, rock, recover, back, ½ turn right
1-2&3Step R to right side, Step L behind right turning ¼ right, step R to right side, step L to left side
4&5Step R behind left, step L to left side, step R in place
6&Rock forward on L, recover weight on right
7-8Step back on L, turn ½ right stepping forward on R
(57-64) Forward, mambo step, mambo step, step ½ step, jump back hook
1-2&3Step L forward, rock forward on R, recover weight on L, step R next to left
4&5Rock back on L, recover weight on R, step L next to R
6&7Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on R
8Jump slightly back on L, hooking right foot across left shin (click fingers above head)
Tag: add the following Tag & Restart –
5th wall after count 38 ( no ¼ turn ) facing 12.o’clock
1-2Step back on left, touch right next to left
Ending: 7th.wall dance up to count 30 , step R behind and step forward on L turning1/4 left
Contact: clairekrazyk@aol.com
Last revision - 4th Nov 2013
(1-8) Right Dorothy steps, left Dorothy steps, pivot ½ turn, walk, walk
1-2&Step R forward, lock left behind right, step R forward (small steps)
3-4&Step L forward, lock right behind left, step L forward (small steps)
5-6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn left
7-8Step forward right, step forward left
(9-16) R side cha cha, L side cha cha, R side cha cha, sway, sway
1-2&Step R long step to right side, step left next to right, step right in place
3-4&Step L long step to left side, step right next to left, step left in place
5-6&Step R long step to right side, step left next to right, step right in place
7-8Step left to side swaying hips left, step right to right side swaying hips right
(17-24) L side, sailor, sailor, behind, side, cross, unwind
1-2&3Step L long step to left side, step R behind left, step L next to right, step R in place
4&5Step L behind right, step R next to left, step L in place,
6&7Step R behind left, step L to side, cross R over left
8Unwind ½ turn left
(25-32) R & L Syncopated cross rock/recover/side, cross, side, behind, side , cross
1-2&Cross rock R over left, recover weight on left, step R to right side
3-4&Cross rock L over right, recover weight on right, step L to left side
5-6&Cross R over left, step L to left side, step right behind left
7-8Step L to left side, cross R over left
(33-40) L side shuffle, back rock, recover, shuffle ¼ right, shuffle ½ right
1&2Step L to left side, step R next to right, step L to left side
3-4Rock back on R , recover weight on left
5&6Step R to right side, step left next to right, turn ¼ right stepping R forward
**Tag and Restart during wall 5 : No turn on count 38, add tag and restart dance from the beginning (facing 12.o’clock)
7&8Turn ¼ right stepping L to left side, step R next to left, turn ¼ right stepping back on left
(41-48) Rock back, recover, shuffle ½ left, shuffle ¼ left, cross rock ,recover
1-2Rock back on right, recover weight on left
3&4Turn ¼ left stepping R to right side, step L next to right, turn ¼ left stepping back on right
5&6Turn ¼ left stepping L to left side, step R next to left, step L to left side
7-8Cross rock right over left, recover weight on left
(49-56) Side, sailor ¼ turn right, sailor, rock, recover, back, ½ turn right
1-2&3Step R to right side, Step L behind right turning ¼ right, step R to right side, step L to left side
4&5Step R behind left, step L to left side, step R in place
6&Rock forward on L, recover weight on right
7-8Step back on L, turn ½ right stepping forward on R
(57-64) Forward, mambo step, mambo step, step ½ step, jump back hook
1-2&3Step L forward, rock forward on R, recover weight on L, step R next to left
4&5Rock back on L, recover weight on R, step L next to R
6&7Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on R
8Jump slightly back on L, hooking right foot across left shin (click fingers above head)
Tag: add the following Tag & Restart –
5th wall after count 38 ( no ¼ turn ) facing 12.o’clock
1-2Step back on left, touch right next to left
Ending: 7th.wall dance up to count 30 , step R behind and step forward on L turning1/4 left
Contact: clairekrazyk@aol.com
Last revision - 4th Nov 2013