Walk R-L, Step Lock Step, Rock Forward, Shuffle ½ Turning L
1-2Walk right, walk left (12.00)
3&4Step forward on right - cross left behind right, step forward on right (r-l-r)
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on to right
7&8¼ turn left step left, step right next to left, ¼ turn left step forward on left (6.00)
& Out-Out-Hold, & Cross-Hold, & Out Out, & Cross, & Cross, & Cross
&1-2Step right diagonally forward to right side - small step left to left side, hold
&3-4Step right next to left – cross left over right, hold
&5&6Step right to right – small step left , step right next to left, cross left over right
&7&8Small step right – cross left over right, small step right - cross left over right
Heel Grind Turning ¼ R, Coaster Step & Step, Step ½ Turn R - Step
1-2Grind right heel across left ¼ turning right, recovering weight on to left (9.00)
3&4Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
&5-6Step left next to right(R) and step forward on right, step forward on left
7-8½ turn right, step forward on left (3.00)
Heel Switches, Step Draw, Heel Switches, Step Draw
1&2&Touch R heel forward, step R beside left, touch L heel forw, step L beside right
3-4Step R forward to right diagonal (long step), draw L towards right
5&6&Touch L heel forward, step L beside R, touch R heel forw, step R beside left
7-8Step L forward to left diagonal (long step), Draw R towards left
Contact: rosined@yahoo.com
1-2Walk right, walk left (12.00)
3&4Step forward on right - cross left behind right, step forward on right (r-l-r)
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on to right
7&8¼ turn left step left, step right next to left, ¼ turn left step forward on left (6.00)
& Out-Out-Hold, & Cross-Hold, & Out Out, & Cross, & Cross, & Cross
&1-2Step right diagonally forward to right side - small step left to left side, hold
&3-4Step right next to left – cross left over right, hold
&5&6Step right to right – small step left , step right next to left, cross left over right
&7&8Small step right – cross left over right, small step right - cross left over right
Heel Grind Turning ¼ R, Coaster Step & Step, Step ½ Turn R - Step
1-2Grind right heel across left ¼ turning right, recovering weight on to left (9.00)
3&4Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
&5-6Step left next to right(R) and step forward on right, step forward on left
7-8½ turn right, step forward on left (3.00)
Heel Switches, Step Draw, Heel Switches, Step Draw
1&2&Touch R heel forward, step R beside left, touch L heel forw, step L beside right
3-4Step R forward to right diagonal (long step), draw L towards right
5&6&Touch L heel forward, step L beside R, touch R heel forw, step R beside left
7-8Step L forward to left diagonal (long step), Draw R towards left
Contact: rosined@yahoo.com