Step kick ball step step x2,
1Step forward right
2&3kick left step left forward step right forward,
4Step forward left,
5-8Repeat 1-4,
Side rock behind side cross, side rock behind ¼ right step,
9-10Rock Right to right side replace weight on left,
11&12Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right across left
13-14Rock Left to left side replace weight on right
15&16Cross left behind right. step right 1/4 right step left forward.
Forward rock full turn triple, step out out, left sailor step,
17-18Rock right forward, replace weight on left,
19&20Full turn triple to right stepping right left right, (triple in place)
21-22Step left out to left, step right out to right,
23&24Step left behind right step right to right side step left to left side.
Restart here on walls 3,6 and 9
Right sailor step cross left behind unwind ½ to left cross shuffle side rock,.
25&26Step right behind left step left to left side step right to right side.
27-28Cross left behind right, unwind ½ turn to left (weight on left)
29&30Cross right across left step left to left side cross right across left,
31-32Rock left to left side replace weight on right.
Cross Behind and step forward, prissy cross shuffle x2 walk walk,
33&34Cross left behind right step right to right side step left slightly forward,
35&36Cross right across left step left diagonally forward to left cross right cross left,
37&38Cross left across right step right diagonally forward to right cross left cross right,
30-40Walk forward left right.
TAG, 8 Counts, done end of wall 4
Traveling backwards - 2 sailor steps, back rock walk walk,
1&2Step right behind left step left to left side step right to right side.
3&4Step left behind right step right to right side step left to left side.
5-6Rock back on right replace weight on left,
7-8Walk forward right left.
Restart after count 24 on walls 3, 6 and 9
Contact: chaysstompers@hotmail.co.uk
1Step forward right
2&3kick left step left forward step right forward,
4Step forward left,
5-8Repeat 1-4,
Side rock behind side cross, side rock behind ¼ right step,
9-10Rock Right to right side replace weight on left,
11&12Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right across left
13-14Rock Left to left side replace weight on right
15&16Cross left behind right. step right 1/4 right step left forward.
Forward rock full turn triple, step out out, left sailor step,
17-18Rock right forward, replace weight on left,
19&20Full turn triple to right stepping right left right, (triple in place)
21-22Step left out to left, step right out to right,
23&24Step left behind right step right to right side step left to left side.
Restart here on walls 3,6 and 9
Right sailor step cross left behind unwind ½ to left cross shuffle side rock,.
25&26Step right behind left step left to left side step right to right side.
27-28Cross left behind right, unwind ½ turn to left (weight on left)
29&30Cross right across left step left to left side cross right across left,
31-32Rock left to left side replace weight on right.
Cross Behind and step forward, prissy cross shuffle x2 walk walk,
33&34Cross left behind right step right to right side step left slightly forward,
35&36Cross right across left step left diagonally forward to left cross right cross left,
37&38Cross left across right step right diagonally forward to right cross left cross right,
30-40Walk forward left right.
TAG, 8 Counts, done end of wall 4
Traveling backwards - 2 sailor steps, back rock walk walk,
1&2Step right behind left step left to left side step right to right side.
3&4Step left behind right step right to right side step left to left side.
5-6Rock back on right replace weight on left,
7-8Walk forward right left.
Restart after count 24 on walls 3, 6 and 9
Contact: chaysstompers@hotmail.co.uk