Phrased High Improver
Start: 36 counts from the first main beat (Start on the word "Could": Well I 'could' put some words together...)
Seq. A A' B(30+4 last) A' B A A A A(6)
Part A: Catalan (38)
Section 1:Vine to the R, scuff, military pivots
1-4Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, L scuff
5-8Step L forward, ½ T to the R, step L forward, ½ T to the R
Section 2: Vine to the L, scuff, military pivots
1-4Step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, R scuff
5-8Step R forward, ½ T to the L, step R forward, ½ T to the L
Section 3: R back jump rock , R stomp up twice, R side flick, R stomp up, R kick twice
1-2(while jumping) R back rock and L kick forward, recover onto L
3-4R stomp up beside L x2
5-8R side flick, R stomp up beside L,, R kick forward x2
Section 4: R cross rock, R ½ T & R toe strut, R ½ T & L toe strut, R ½ T & R toe strut
1-2R cross rock forward, recover onto L
3-4½ T to the R and R toe forward, drop R heel
5-6½ T to the R and L toe backward, drop L heel
7-8½ T to the R and R toe forward, drop R heel
Section 5: L & R heel steps, L & R back steps, stomp L to the L, R scuff
1-2L heel step forward (L diagonal), R heel step forward (R diagonal)
3-4L back step, R beside L
5-6L stomp to L side, R scuff beside L
Part A' (40):
Dance the 36 first counts of part A and replace the last 2 ( stomp, scuff) with the 4 following counts:
Military pivots:
1-4Step L forward, ½ T to the R, step L forward, ½ T to the R
During this dance, part A' is done twice, each time before part B «waltz»
Part B (56 ): Waltz and transition
Section 1: Waltz basic forward ending with a stomp, waltz basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, step R beside L, stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
Section 2: Twinkle R, twinkle L
1-2-3Cross L over R (R diagonal), step R to R side, step L slightly forward (L diagonal)
4-5-6Cross R over L (L diagonal), step L to L side, step R slightly forward (R diagonal)
Section 3: Forward turn ½ L ending with a stomp, basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, ¼ T to the L and step R beside L, ¼ T to the L and stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
Section 4: Forward turn ½ L ending with a stomp, basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, ¼ T to the L and step R beside L, ¼ T to the L and stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
Section 5: Twinkle R, twinkle L
1-2-3Cross L over R (R diagonal), step R to R side, step L slightly forward (L diagonal)
4-5-6Cross R over L (L diagonal), step L to L side, step R slightly forward (R diagonal)
Section 6: Waltz basic forward ending with a stomp, waltz basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, step R beside L, stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
Section 7: Twinkle R, twinkle L
1-2-3Cross L over R (R diagonal), step R to R side, step L slightly forward (L diagonal)
4-5-6Cross R over L (L diagonal), step L to L side, step R slightly forward (R diagonal)
Section 8: Forward turn ½ L ending with a stomp, basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, ¼ T to the L and step R beside L, ¼ T to the L and stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
(End of waltz)
Section 9: Step L forward, cross, back, side, cross, R stomp up, R flick, R stomp up
1-4Step L forward, cross R over L, L back step, step R to R side,
5-8Cross L over R, R stomp up beside L, R side flick, R stomp up beside L
Nota: Counts 5 to 8 have to be danced following the «faster» beat of Part A
The first time you dance the Waltz, dance sections 1 to 5 and the 4 last counts of section 9
Final: Facing 6h00, dance the first 6 counts of Part A, ending facing 12h00 after the first step turn
Have fun with this dance!!
Contact: countryscal@orange.fr
Seq. A A' B(30+4 last) A' B A A A A(6)
Part A: Catalan (38)
Section 1:Vine to the R, scuff, military pivots
1-4Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, L scuff
5-8Step L forward, ½ T to the R, step L forward, ½ T to the R
Section 2: Vine to the L, scuff, military pivots
1-4Step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, R scuff
5-8Step R forward, ½ T to the L, step R forward, ½ T to the L
Section 3: R back jump rock , R stomp up twice, R side flick, R stomp up, R kick twice
1-2(while jumping) R back rock and L kick forward, recover onto L
3-4R stomp up beside L x2
5-8R side flick, R stomp up beside L,, R kick forward x2
Section 4: R cross rock, R ½ T & R toe strut, R ½ T & L toe strut, R ½ T & R toe strut
1-2R cross rock forward, recover onto L
3-4½ T to the R and R toe forward, drop R heel
5-6½ T to the R and L toe backward, drop L heel
7-8½ T to the R and R toe forward, drop R heel
Section 5: L & R heel steps, L & R back steps, stomp L to the L, R scuff
1-2L heel step forward (L diagonal), R heel step forward (R diagonal)
3-4L back step, R beside L
5-6L stomp to L side, R scuff beside L
Part A' (40):
Dance the 36 first counts of part A and replace the last 2 ( stomp, scuff) with the 4 following counts:
Military pivots:
1-4Step L forward, ½ T to the R, step L forward, ½ T to the R
During this dance, part A' is done twice, each time before part B «waltz»
Part B (56 ): Waltz and transition
Section 1: Waltz basic forward ending with a stomp, waltz basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, step R beside L, stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
Section 2: Twinkle R, twinkle L
1-2-3Cross L over R (R diagonal), step R to R side, step L slightly forward (L diagonal)
4-5-6Cross R over L (L diagonal), step L to L side, step R slightly forward (R diagonal)
Section 3: Forward turn ½ L ending with a stomp, basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, ¼ T to the L and step R beside L, ¼ T to the L and stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
Section 4: Forward turn ½ L ending with a stomp, basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, ¼ T to the L and step R beside L, ¼ T to the L and stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
Section 5: Twinkle R, twinkle L
1-2-3Cross L over R (R diagonal), step R to R side, step L slightly forward (L diagonal)
4-5-6Cross R over L (L diagonal), step L to L side, step R slightly forward (R diagonal)
Section 6: Waltz basic forward ending with a stomp, waltz basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, step R beside L, stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
Section 7: Twinkle R, twinkle L
1-2-3Cross L over R (R diagonal), step R to R side, step L slightly forward (L diagonal)
4-5-6Cross R over L (L diagonal), step L to L side, step R slightly forward (R diagonal)
Section 8: Forward turn ½ L ending with a stomp, basic back ending with a stomp
1-2-3Step L forward, ¼ T to the L and step R beside L, ¼ T to the L and stomp L beside R
4-5-6Step R back, step L beside R, stomp R beside L
(End of waltz)
Section 9: Step L forward, cross, back, side, cross, R stomp up, R flick, R stomp up
1-4Step L forward, cross R over L, L back step, step R to R side,
5-8Cross L over R, R stomp up beside L, R side flick, R stomp up beside L
Nota: Counts 5 to 8 have to be danced following the «faster» beat of Part A
The first time you dance the Waltz, dance sections 1 to 5 and the 4 last counts of section 9
Final: Facing 6h00, dance the first 6 counts of Part A, ending facing 12h00 after the first step turn
Have fun with this dance!!
Contact: countryscal@orange.fr