[1-8] Walk, Walk, Coaster, Back, Back, Rock and Cross
1-2Walk Fwd Rt, Walk Fwd Lt
3&4Step Fwd Rt, Close Lt to Rt, Step Back Rt
5,6Step Back Lt, Step Back Rt
7&8Rock Side Lt, replace Rt, Cross Lt over Rt
[9-16] Touch, Touch, Kick, Behind side cross, Cross, Back, Turn, Touch
1&2Touch Rt toe out to Rt, Touch Rt toe next to Lt, Kick Rt to diagonally fwd Rt,
3&4Cross Rt Behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt over Lt
5,6Cross Lt over Rt, Step back on Rt.
7,8Step Lt to Lt making ¼ turn Lt, Touch Rt to Behind Lt.
[17-24] Side, Rock step, Side, Rock Step, Step, Rock Step, Bump, Bump, Bump
1, 2&Step Rt large step to Rt, Rock Lt behind Rt, Replace Rt
3, 4&Step Lt large step to Lt, Rock Rt behind Lt, replace Lt
5, 6&Making ¼ turn Lt, Step Rt to Rt, Rock Lt behind Rt, Replace Rt
7&8Step Lt ¼ turn to Lt bumping hips Lt, Rt, Lt
[25-32] Rock Turn, Step Replace, Rock Turn, Step Replace, Jazz box
1&2&Step Fwd Rt making ¼ turn Lt, Replace Lt, Step Rt to Lt, Replace Lt
3&4&Step Fwd Rt making ¼ turn Lt, Replace Lt, Step Rt to Lt, Replace Lt
5,6Cross Rt over Lt, step back
7,8Step Rt to Rt, Step Fwd Lt.
Tag: At the end of wall 2. Repeat the jazz box
Ending: At end of wall 11 repeat counts 25-32 twice to end the dance making sure you make a make a ¼ turn and ½ turn to face the front on the second repeat.
Contact - Email: marksfurnell@yahoo.co.uk
1-2Walk Fwd Rt, Walk Fwd Lt
3&4Step Fwd Rt, Close Lt to Rt, Step Back Rt
5,6Step Back Lt, Step Back Rt
7&8Rock Side Lt, replace Rt, Cross Lt over Rt
[9-16] Touch, Touch, Kick, Behind side cross, Cross, Back, Turn, Touch
1&2Touch Rt toe out to Rt, Touch Rt toe next to Lt, Kick Rt to diagonally fwd Rt,
3&4Cross Rt Behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt over Lt
5,6Cross Lt over Rt, Step back on Rt.
7,8Step Lt to Lt making ¼ turn Lt, Touch Rt to Behind Lt.
[17-24] Side, Rock step, Side, Rock Step, Step, Rock Step, Bump, Bump, Bump
1, 2&Step Rt large step to Rt, Rock Lt behind Rt, Replace Rt
3, 4&Step Lt large step to Lt, Rock Rt behind Lt, replace Lt
5, 6&Making ¼ turn Lt, Step Rt to Rt, Rock Lt behind Rt, Replace Rt
7&8Step Lt ¼ turn to Lt bumping hips Lt, Rt, Lt
[25-32] Rock Turn, Step Replace, Rock Turn, Step Replace, Jazz box
1&2&Step Fwd Rt making ¼ turn Lt, Replace Lt, Step Rt to Lt, Replace Lt
3&4&Step Fwd Rt making ¼ turn Lt, Replace Lt, Step Rt to Lt, Replace Lt
5,6Cross Rt over Lt, step back
7,8Step Rt to Rt, Step Fwd Lt.
Tag: At the end of wall 2. Repeat the jazz box
Ending: At end of wall 11 repeat counts 25-32 twice to end the dance making sure you make a make a ¼ turn and ½ turn to face the front on the second repeat.
Contact - Email: marksfurnell@yahoo.co.uk