CopperKnob Stepsheets

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See Me Now

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High Intermediate - West Coast
Gemma McCormack (UK) - August 2013
If You Could See Me Now - The Script
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[1-8] Sweep, Cross, Step, Step, cross, step, step, ¼ step, ½ step, step forward, ½ turn
1, 2&3sweep RF (1), cross RF (2), step back LF (&), step RF to R side (3)
4&5cross LF (4), step RF to R side (&), step back turning ¼ over L shoulder (5)
6, 7, 8turn ½ stepping RF forward (6), step forward LF (7), turn ½ closing RF (8)

[9 -17] shuffle forward, anchor step, and step, turn ¼ step, touch, rock recover together.
1&2step forward LF (1), tuck RF slightly behind (&), step forward LF (2)
3&4step RF slightly behind LF (3) recover weight onto LF (&), step back RF (4)
&5bring LF in to meet RF (&) step back RF (5)
6, 7step LF to L side turning ¼ (6) ** touch RF in to LF (7)
8&1step RF out to side (8) recover weight onto LF (&) close RF (1)

[18-24] side rock cross, side step and side step touch.
2, 3, 4step LF to side (2), recover weight to RF (3), cross LF over RF (4)
5, 6touch RF out to R side (5), body roll as weight is placed onto RF (6)
&7,8bring LF into RF transferring weight (&) step RF out to R side (7), touch LF next to RF (8)

[25-32] step full turn sweep, cross rock together, rock recover, step back cross, step ¼ together, step forward.
1, 2step LF to side (1), sweep RF round completing a full turn (2)
3&4cross RF over LF (3), recover weight onto LF (&) close RF (4)
5, 6step LF forward (5) recover weight onto RF (6)
&7&8&step LF back (&), cross RF in front of LF (7), turn ¼ stepping LF to side (7) close RF (8) step forward LF (&)

** Restart: Wall 4 Complete dance until count 14; Then Restart from Count 1


Last Revision - 11th Sept 2013

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