Improver (smooth motion)
16 count intro, start dancing at (12 sec).
Part l
[1-8] Toe Tap Back, Hold, 1/4 L, Cross & Cross, Jump Both Feet Apart, Heel Bounce, Heel & Toe Swivels, Knee Lift.
1-2Tap R toe Back, Hold.
&3&4Turn 1/4 left (9) step Rt slighlty to right, cross Lt over Rt, step Rt slighlty to right, cross Lt over Rt.
&5&6Jump both feet apart (&5), raise both off the floor, both heels back in place ending weight onto Lt.
7&8Swivel R heel left, swivel L toe left, lift R knee up.
(Weight remains on left during right heel / toe swivel & knee lift).
Part ll
[9-16] Syncopated Rumba Box R-L, Back Rock, Recover, 1/4 L, Side, L Anchor Step.
1&2Step Rt to the right, step Lt next to Rt, step Rt slightly forward.
3&4Step Lt to the left, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt slightly back.
5&6Rock Rt back, recover on Lt, turn 1/4 left (6) step Rt to the right.
7&8Locked Lt behind Rt take weight onto Lt, recover on Rt, recover on Lt.
Part lll
[17-24] Step, Point L, Lock Step Fwd, Fwd Rock, Recover, 3/4 Triple R.
1-2Step Rt forward, point Lt out to the left.
3&4Step Lt forward, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt forward.
5-6Rock Rt forward, recover on Lt.
7&8Triple 3/4 right (3) step Rt slightly forward, step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt slightly forward.
Part lV
[25-32] Press Step Fwd, Recover, Sweep, Sailor Turn 1/4 R, Diagonal Hip Bumps, Back, 1/4 L, Side.
1-2Press Lt forward, recover on Rt and sweep Lt from front to back.
3&4Step Lt behind Rt, turn 1/4 right (6) step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly forward.
5&6Touch Rt toe diagonal forward bump hips forward, bumps hips back, bump hips forward.
7-8Step Rt back, turn 1/4 left (3) step Lt to the left.
Restart: WALL 8 after 28 counts (9 o`clock), after, Start again (3 o`clock).
Start again and have fun!
Contact: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com
Part l
[1-8] Toe Tap Back, Hold, 1/4 L, Cross & Cross, Jump Both Feet Apart, Heel Bounce, Heel & Toe Swivels, Knee Lift.
1-2Tap R toe Back, Hold.
&3&4Turn 1/4 left (9) step Rt slighlty to right, cross Lt over Rt, step Rt slighlty to right, cross Lt over Rt.
&5&6Jump both feet apart (&5), raise both off the floor, both heels back in place ending weight onto Lt.
7&8Swivel R heel left, swivel L toe left, lift R knee up.
(Weight remains on left during right heel / toe swivel & knee lift).
Part ll
[9-16] Syncopated Rumba Box R-L, Back Rock, Recover, 1/4 L, Side, L Anchor Step.
1&2Step Rt to the right, step Lt next to Rt, step Rt slightly forward.
3&4Step Lt to the left, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt slightly back.
5&6Rock Rt back, recover on Lt, turn 1/4 left (6) step Rt to the right.
7&8Locked Lt behind Rt take weight onto Lt, recover on Rt, recover on Lt.
Part lll
[17-24] Step, Point L, Lock Step Fwd, Fwd Rock, Recover, 3/4 Triple R.
1-2Step Rt forward, point Lt out to the left.
3&4Step Lt forward, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt forward.
5-6Rock Rt forward, recover on Lt.
7&8Triple 3/4 right (3) step Rt slightly forward, step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt slightly forward.
Part lV
[25-32] Press Step Fwd, Recover, Sweep, Sailor Turn 1/4 R, Diagonal Hip Bumps, Back, 1/4 L, Side.
1-2Press Lt forward, recover on Rt and sweep Lt from front to back.
3&4Step Lt behind Rt, turn 1/4 right (6) step Rt to the right, step Lt slightly forward.
5&6Touch Rt toe diagonal forward bump hips forward, bumps hips back, bump hips forward.
7-8Step Rt back, turn 1/4 left (3) step Lt to the left.
Restart: WALL 8 after 28 counts (9 o`clock), after, Start again (3 o`clock).
Start again and have fun!
Contact: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com