CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Great Gatsby

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Phrased Advanced - Non-Country
Laura Carvill - July 2013
Bang Bang - : (The Great Gatsby Soundtrack)
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Section A (32 counts)
[1-8] Charleston steps
1-41) Step forward on R, 2) Touch forward on L, 3) Step back on L, 4) Touch back on R
5-85) Step forward on R, 6) Touch forward on L, 7) Step back on L, 8) Touch back on R
(This part can be done with swivel feet or without)

[9-16] Heel, heel, behind, side cross, heel, heel, behind, side, ¼ turn
1-3&41) R heel to the R side, 2) R heel to the R side, 3) Step R foot behind L, &) Step L foot out to L side, 4) Cross R foot over L foot
5-7&85) L heel to the L side, 6) L heel to the L side, 7) Step L foot behind R, &) Making a ¼ to the R step R foot forward, 8) Step forward on L foot

[17-24] Kick forward, ½ turn, walk, kick forward, ½ turn, ¼ turn
1-3&41) Kick forward with R foot, 2) Step back on R foot, 3) Step back on L foot, &) Making a 1/2 turn clockwise step forward on R foot, 4) Step forward on L foot
5-7&85) Kick forward with R foot, 6) Step back on R foot, 7) Step back on L foot, &) Making a 1/2 turn clockwise step forward on R foot, 8) Making a ¼ turn right step the L foot out to the L side

[25-32] Jazz box, cross, unwind ½ turn
1-41) Cross R foot over L foot, 2) Step back on L foot, 3) Step R foot to R side, 4) Step L foot forward
5-85) Cross R foot over L foot, 6-8) Unwind ½ turn anticlockwise

Section B (32 counts)
[1-8] Step out, step out, rock behind, hitch, hold
1-3&41) Step R foot out to R side, 2) Step L foot out to L side, 3) Step R foot behind L foot (placing weight on R), &) Recover weight onto L foot, 4) Step R foot out to R side
&5-8&) Hitch L knee into the R leg, 5) Step L foot out to the L side placing the weight onto the L, 6-8) Hold

[9-16] Heel to the front, heel to the side, rock behind, step out for three
1&2&1) Place R heel forward (putting the weight on the R heel), &) Recover the weight onto the L foot, 2) Place R heel to the R side (putting the weight on the R heel), &) Recover the weight onto the L foot
3&43) Rock R foot behind L foot, &) Recover weight onto L foot, 4) Step out with the R foot to the R diagonal
&5-8&) Step out with the L foot to the L diagonal, 5) Step out with the R foot to the R diagonal, 6-8) Hold

[17-24] Heel to the front, heel to the side, rock behind, step out for three
1&2&1) Place L heel forward (putting the weight on the L heel), &) Recover the weight onto the R foot, 2) Place L heel to the L side (putting the weight on the L heel), &) Recover the weight onto the R foot
3&43) Rock L foot behind R foot, &) Recover weight onto R foot, 4) Step out with the L foot to the L diagonal
&5-8&) Step out with the R foot to the R diagonal, 5) Step out with the L foot to the L diagonal, 6-8) Hold

[25-32] Cross over and heel, cross over and heel, cross unwind full turn
1&21) Cross R foot over L foot, &) Step L foot out to L side, 2) R heel out to R side
&3&4&) Step the weight onto the R foot, 3) Cross L foot over R foot, &) Step R foot out to R side, 4) L heel out to L side
&5-8&) Step the weight onto the L foot, 5) Cross R foot over L, 6-8) Unwind full turn anti-clockwise

Section C (32 counts)
[1-8] Kick forward, touch to the side, kick forward touch to the side, cross over making a ¼ turn, coaster step
1&21) Kick forward on R foot, &) place R foot beside L foot, 2) touch out to the L with the L foot
3&43) Kick forward on L foot, &) place L foot beside R foot, 4) touch out to the R with the R foot
5,65) Cross R foot over left foot, 6) step L foot out making a ¼ turn to the R
7&87) Step R foot back, &) bring L foot beside R foot, 8) step forward on R foot

[9-16&] Step lock, step lock, rock forward and back, kick, three boogie walks
1,2&1) Step L foot to the L diagonal, 2) Lock R foot behind L foot, &) Step L foot out to the L diagonal
3,4&3) Step R foot to the R diagonal, 4) Lock L foot behind R foot, &) Step R foot out the R diagonal
5&6&5) Rock forward on the L foot, &) Recover weight on the R foot, 6) Rock back on the L foot, &) Recover weight on the R foot
7&8&7) Kick L foot to the L diagonal, &) Step onto the L foot rolling the knee to the L, 8) Step onto the R foot rolling the knee to the R, &) Step onto the L foot rolling the knee to the L

[17-24] Step out, hip bumps to the R, step out, hip bumps to the L
1-41) Step R foot out to the R diagonal making a hip bump up, 2) hip bump down, 3) hip bump up, 4) hip bump down (keep weight on L throughout)
5-85) Step L foot out to the L diagonal making a hip bump up, 6) hip bump down, 7) hip bump up, (keep weight on R), 8) hip bump down placing weight on L

[25-32] Cross over, grapevine, walk, walk
1,2&1) Cross R foot over L, 2) Step L foot back, &) Step R foot to R side
3,43) Cross L foot over R foot, 4) Step R foot out to R side
5&65) Step L foot behind R foot, &) Step R foot to R side, 6) Making a ¼ turn step forward on L foot
7,87) Walk forward on R foot, 8) Walk forward on L foot



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