Novice (Non Country)
Restarts: -
End of the third wall to the first 16 counts then resume dancing start
Late 8th to the first 16 counts then resume dancing start
[1-8] Rock right forward, walk off back, rock step, shuffle forward
1-2Step right forward to support, back support on the PG
3 & 4Step right Arrirere (large), left back (large), right back (large)
5-6Step left back to rest, recover onto right
7 & 8Shuffle forward (GDG)
[9-16] Step forward 1/4 turn, jazz box, strut cross, kick ball change
1-2Step right forward, 1/4 turn to the left
3 & 4Cross right over left, left to uncross a step left, step right next to left
5-6Point left over left, put the heel
7 & 8Coup foot forward to support PDn back onto left
[17-24] Rock side right , behind front side, Rock side left, Coaster step
1-2Step right to right side support, recover onto left
3 & 4Step right behind left, left uncrossed left side, cross right over left
5-6Step left to left side support, back support on PD
7 & 8Step left back, step right next to left, step forward
[25-32] Rock Step forward, shuffle back, Rock step back, full turn
1-2Step right to bear, back onto left
3 & 4Step back (DGD)
5-6Step back on left Take support, back support PD
7 & 8Step forward 1/2 turn right stepping forward making 1/2 turn right, walk left over
Association law 1901-the wanted country dance
6 bd Jourdan - 13014 Marseille -
Mail: thewantedcountrydance@sfr.fr - Website: thewantedcountrydance.jimdo.com
End of the third wall to the first 16 counts then resume dancing start
Late 8th to the first 16 counts then resume dancing start
[1-8] Rock right forward, walk off back, rock step, shuffle forward
1-2Step right forward to support, back support on the PG
3 & 4Step right Arrirere (large), left back (large), right back (large)
5-6Step left back to rest, recover onto right
7 & 8Shuffle forward (GDG)
[9-16] Step forward 1/4 turn, jazz box, strut cross, kick ball change
1-2Step right forward, 1/4 turn to the left
3 & 4Cross right over left, left to uncross a step left, step right next to left
5-6Point left over left, put the heel
7 & 8Coup foot forward to support PDn back onto left
[17-24] Rock side right , behind front side, Rock side left, Coaster step
1-2Step right to right side support, recover onto left
3 & 4Step right behind left, left uncrossed left side, cross right over left
5-6Step left to left side support, back support on PD
7 & 8Step left back, step right next to left, step forward
[25-32] Rock Step forward, shuffle back, Rock step back, full turn
1-2Step right to bear, back onto left
3 & 4Step back (DGD)
5-6Step back on left Take support, back support PD
7 & 8Step forward 1/2 turn right stepping forward making 1/2 turn right, walk left over
Association law 1901-the wanted country dance
6 bd Jourdan - 13014 Marseille -
Mail: thewantedcountrydance@sfr.fr - Website: thewantedcountrydance.jimdo.com