High Beginner / Improver NC2
16 count intro. - NO Tags or Restarts.
Alt. music: Tell Me How You Like It by Florida Georgia Line – 32 count intro
Sec.1 (1-8&) Step back with Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, ¼ Turn L, Side, Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross, Side, Cross
1, 2&3Step back with the R while sweeping L from front to back, L Behind R, R to R Side, L Cross over R (12:00)
4&5¼ Turn L Stepping R back, L to L Side, R Cross over L (9:00)
6&7, 8&Rock L to L Side, Recover to R, Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R (9:00)
Sec.2 (9-16&) R Nightclub Basic, L Nightclub Basic, ¼ L- R Nightclub Basic, L Nightclub Basic
1, 2&Step R to R side, Step L instep to R heel, Cross R over L
3, 4&Step L to L side, Step R instep to L heel, Cross L over R (9:00)
5, 6&on the ball of L ¼ turn L Stepping R to R Side, Step L instep to heel of R, Cross R over L (6:00)
7, 8&Step L to L side, Step instep of R to heel of L, Cross L over R (6:00)
Sec.3 (17-24) Side, Point, Side, Point, Rock, Recover, Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross
1, 2, 3, 4Step R to R Side - styling slight hip dip to R, as you straighten R leg point L toe across R, Step L to L side slight hip dip to L, as you straighten L leg point R toe across L
5&6, 7&8R Side Rock, Recover to L, Cross R over L – moving forward, L Side Rock, Recover to R, Cross L over R – moving forward (6:00)
Sec.4 (25-32) R Triple, L Triple, R Mambo, L Back Triple
1&2, 3&4Step R forward, close L to R, Step R Forward, Step L Forward, Close R to L, Step L Forward
5&6Rock R Forward, Recover to L, Step R Back
7&8Step L Back, Close R to L, Step L back (6:00)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way.
If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.
Video rights assigned to choreographer. dancinfreedonna@gmail.com All rights reserved.
Contact: www.dancinfreedonna.com
Alt. music: Tell Me How You Like It by Florida Georgia Line – 32 count intro
Sec.1 (1-8&) Step back with Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, ¼ Turn L, Side, Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross, Side, Cross
1, 2&3Step back with the R while sweeping L from front to back, L Behind R, R to R Side, L Cross over R (12:00)
4&5¼ Turn L Stepping R back, L to L Side, R Cross over L (9:00)
6&7, 8&Rock L to L Side, Recover to R, Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R (9:00)
Sec.2 (9-16&) R Nightclub Basic, L Nightclub Basic, ¼ L- R Nightclub Basic, L Nightclub Basic
1, 2&Step R to R side, Step L instep to R heel, Cross R over L
3, 4&Step L to L side, Step R instep to L heel, Cross L over R (9:00)
5, 6&on the ball of L ¼ turn L Stepping R to R Side, Step L instep to heel of R, Cross R over L (6:00)
7, 8&Step L to L side, Step instep of R to heel of L, Cross L over R (6:00)
Sec.3 (17-24) Side, Point, Side, Point, Rock, Recover, Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross
1, 2, 3, 4Step R to R Side - styling slight hip dip to R, as you straighten R leg point L toe across R, Step L to L side slight hip dip to L, as you straighten L leg point R toe across L
5&6, 7&8R Side Rock, Recover to L, Cross R over L – moving forward, L Side Rock, Recover to R, Cross L over R – moving forward (6:00)
Sec.4 (25-32) R Triple, L Triple, R Mambo, L Back Triple
1&2, 3&4Step R forward, close L to R, Step R Forward, Step L Forward, Close R to L, Step L Forward
5&6Rock R Forward, Recover to L, Step R Back
7&8Step L Back, Close R to L, Step L back (6:00)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way.
If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.
Video rights assigned to choreographer. dancinfreedonna@gmail.com All rights reserved.
Contact: www.dancinfreedonna.com