CopperKnob Stepsheets

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African Rhythm

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Crystal Lee (SG) - June 2013
African Baby by The Goombay Dance Band
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Intro: 16 counts

Section 1: K Step: Forward, Tap, Back, Tap, Back Tap, Forward, Tap
1 - 4Step R diagonally right forward, tap L beside R, step L diagonally left back, tap R beside L.
5 – 8Step R diagonally right back, tap L beside R, step L diagonally left forward, tap R beside L.

Section 2: Hip Bumps, ¼ Turn, Forward
1 & 2Step R slightly forward and bump hips R, L, R..
3 – 4Step R back with ¼ turn left, step L slightly forward.
5 & 6Repeat steps 1 & 2.
7 – 8Repeat steps 3 - 4.

Section 3: Jazz Box, Samba Steps
1 – 4Cross R over L, step back on L, step R beside L, replace L beside R.
5 & 6Cross R over L, step L to left, replace R.
7 & 8Cross L over R, step R to right, replace L.

Section 4: Paddle Turns, Stomps
1 – 2Stomp R forward, pivot turn ¼ left, weight on L.
3 – 4Repeat steps 1 – 2.
5 – 6Repeat steps 1 – 2.
7 – 8Stomp R, L.

Start Again

At the end of Walls 2 & 4, dance the following tag 4 times:
Tag: 16 counts
Section A: Point, Cross, Point, Back
1 – 4Point R to right, cross R in front of L, point L to left, cross L in front of R.
5 – 8Point R to right, step R behind L, point L to left, step L behind R.

Section B: Forward Chasse, ¼ Turn Forward Chasse
1 & 2Step R forward, close L beside R, step R forward.
3 & 4Turn ¼ left stepping L forward, close R beside L, step L forward.
5 & 6Turn ¼ right stepping R forward, close L beside R, step R forward.
7 & 8Repeat steps 3 & 4.
Dance above Tag 4 times, making one full turn.(Total 64 counts)

Ending: Wall 11: Dance all the way until Section 4 where you will dance 4 paddle
turns, then stomp 4 times.
Arm movements: please refer to the video. Please do NOT modify any steps without the
consent of the choreographer.


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