CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Scuff'n Heels

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Judy McDonald (CAN) - February 2012
My Brother Kevin - Natalie MacMaster : (CD: Cape Breton Girl - iTunes)
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This is a 64 count two-wall line dance with that “Dipstick” feel to it.
There’s no intro so rather than try and guess, wait until you hear the piano trill (which is at 13 sec in) and then count 32 more beats and then start the dance (at 26 sec). As with Dipstick, there are lots of “heel drops,” which of course means you have to “lift” first, but for ease of writing this up…I’m just referring to the “drop” on each count. The dance may feel a bit slow initially but….wait for it…there’s a surprise!

R scuff, L heel, R rock back, L step
1 2 3 4Angle body slightly left for the first 8 counts (11 o’clock) Scuff R heel forward (1), drop L heel (2), rock R back (3), step L in place (4)

R scuff, L heel, R step forward, L toe
5 6 7 8Scuff R heel forward (5), drop L heel (6), step R forward (still at 11 o’clock) (7), touch L toe in place (8)

L step, R scuff, L heel, R step side
1 2 3 4Step L in place (1), scuff R heel forward (2), drop L heel (3), step R to side (squaring up to front wall) (4),

L scuff, R heel, L step cross, hold
5 6 7 8Scuff L heel forward (5), drop R heel (6), step L across in front of right (7), hold (8)

R rock side, L step, R step behind, L rock side, R step, L step behind, R rock side, L step
1 2 3 4Rock R to side (1), step L in place (2), step R behind left (3), rock L to side (4)
5 6 7 8Step R in place (5) step L behind right (6), rock R to side (7), step L in place (8)

R toe, R scuff, L heel, R step, L scuff, R heel, L step, hold
1 2 3 4Touch tip of R toe beside left (1), scuff R heel forward (2), drop L heel (3), step R forward (4)
5 6 7 8Scuff L forward (5), drop R heel (6), step L forward (7), hold (8)

Step R and twist heels R, L, R, L
1 2 3 4Step R in front of left and twist heels R (1), twist heels L (2), twist heels R (3), twist heels L (4)
…this is an easy version of “ankle breakers” if you’d like to do those here

R heel forward, L heel, R heel side, L heel
5 6 7 8Touch R heel forward (5), drop L heel (6), touch R heel side (7), drop L heel (8)

R scuff, L heel, R step back, L scuff, R heel, L rock back, R step, hold
1 2 3 4Scuff R forward (1), drop L heel (2), step R back (3), scuff L forward (4)
5 6 7 8Drop R heel (5), rock L back (6), step R in place (7), hold (8)

L scuff, R heel, L toe cross, R heel, L scuff, R heel, L step, hold
1 2 3 4Scuff L forward (1), drop R heel (2), cross L toe and touch beside outside edge of right foot (3), drop R heel (4)
5 6 7 8Scuff L forward (5), drop R heel (6), step L beside right (7), hold (8)

Turning Apple Jacks making ½ turn
1 2 3Split toes apart so heels are together and toes are pointing out (1), twist R heel and L toe to right…toes will now be together (2), twist R toes and L heel to right…heels are now together again (3)
4 5 6 7 8Repeat counts 2 and 3 twice (4,5,6,7), hold (8)…as you’re doing this, rotate your body right to make a ½ turn to start the dance again. If you find it easier to turn left, just reverse the R & L above to go the other way.

*The increase in tempo is gradual for the first 3 times you dance it…then it picks up significantly and continues from there…have fun!


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