16 count intro
Section 1: Step, Kick x2. Rolling vine, touch and clap.( Easier option: Right Grapevine, touch and clap)
1 – 2Step Right to right side, kick Left across Right
3 – 4Step Left to left side, kick Right across Left
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ right step Right forward, turn ½ right step Left back , turn ¼ right step Right forward, touch Left next to right 12.00
(Easier option: Right Grapevine, touch and clap, touch and clap) 12.00
Section 2: Rolling vine, touch and clap (Easier option: Left Grapevine, touch and clap) Step, kick x2
1-2-3-4Turn ¼ left step Left forward, turn ½ left step Right back, turn ¼ left step Left forward, touch Right next to Left & clap 12.00
(Easier option: Left Grapevine, touch and clap) 12.00
5 – 6Step Right to right side, kick Left across Right
7 – 8Step Left to left side, kick Right across Left
Section 3: Cross, point, cross point. Sailor step, sailor step
1 – 2Cross Right over Left, point Left out to left side
3 – 4Cross Left over Right, point Right out to right side
5 & 6Cross Right behind Left, step Left to left side, step Right to place.
7 & 8Cross Left behind Right, step Right to right side, step Left to place.
Section 4: Forward, touch, back, making ¼ turn right, hook. Repeat
1 – 2Step Right forward, touch Left toe behind Right
3 – 4Step Left back making ¼ turn right, hook Right over Left 3.00
5 – 6Step Right forward, touch Left toe behind Right
7 – 8Step Left back making ¼ turn right, hook Right over Left 6.00
Section 5: Rock, rock, cross & cross. Repeat to left
1 - 2Rock Right to right side, rock Left to left side
3 & 4Cross Right over Left, recover onto Left, cross Right over Left
5 - 6Rock Left to left side, rock Right to right side.
7 & 8Cross Left over Right, recover onto Right, cross Left over Right
Section 6: Rock, recover, coaster. Repeat with Left
1 – 2Rock forward on Right, rock back onto Left
3 & 4Step back Right, step Left beside right, step forward Right.
5 – 6Rock forward on Left, rock back onto Right
7 & 8Step back Left, step Right beside Left, step forward Left.
Section 7: Step Right, hold, behind, hold, syncopated weave.
1 – 2Step Right to right side, hold
3 – 4Step Left behind Right, hold
5&Step Right to right side, cross Left over Right
6&Step Right to right side, cross Left behind Right
7&Step Right to right side, cross Left over Right
8Step Right to right side (Weight on Right)
Section 8: Step Left, hold, behind, hold, syncopated weave.
1 – 2Step Left to left side, hold
3 – 4Step Right behind Left, hold
5&Step Left to left side, cross Right over Left
6&Step Left to left side, cross Right behind Left
7&Step Left to left side, cross Right over Left
8Step Left to left side (weight on Left)
Contact: regandrene@btinternet.com
Section 1: Step, Kick x2. Rolling vine, touch and clap.( Easier option: Right Grapevine, touch and clap)
1 – 2Step Right to right side, kick Left across Right
3 – 4Step Left to left side, kick Right across Left
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ right step Right forward, turn ½ right step Left back , turn ¼ right step Right forward, touch Left next to right 12.00
(Easier option: Right Grapevine, touch and clap, touch and clap) 12.00
Section 2: Rolling vine, touch and clap (Easier option: Left Grapevine, touch and clap) Step, kick x2
1-2-3-4Turn ¼ left step Left forward, turn ½ left step Right back, turn ¼ left step Left forward, touch Right next to Left & clap 12.00
(Easier option: Left Grapevine, touch and clap) 12.00
5 – 6Step Right to right side, kick Left across Right
7 – 8Step Left to left side, kick Right across Left
Section 3: Cross, point, cross point. Sailor step, sailor step
1 – 2Cross Right over Left, point Left out to left side
3 – 4Cross Left over Right, point Right out to right side
5 & 6Cross Right behind Left, step Left to left side, step Right to place.
7 & 8Cross Left behind Right, step Right to right side, step Left to place.
Section 4: Forward, touch, back, making ¼ turn right, hook. Repeat
1 – 2Step Right forward, touch Left toe behind Right
3 – 4Step Left back making ¼ turn right, hook Right over Left 3.00
5 – 6Step Right forward, touch Left toe behind Right
7 – 8Step Left back making ¼ turn right, hook Right over Left 6.00
Section 5: Rock, rock, cross & cross. Repeat to left
1 - 2Rock Right to right side, rock Left to left side
3 & 4Cross Right over Left, recover onto Left, cross Right over Left
5 - 6Rock Left to left side, rock Right to right side.
7 & 8Cross Left over Right, recover onto Right, cross Left over Right
Section 6: Rock, recover, coaster. Repeat with Left
1 – 2Rock forward on Right, rock back onto Left
3 & 4Step back Right, step Left beside right, step forward Right.
5 – 6Rock forward on Left, rock back onto Right
7 & 8Step back Left, step Right beside Left, step forward Left.
Section 7: Step Right, hold, behind, hold, syncopated weave.
1 – 2Step Right to right side, hold
3 – 4Step Left behind Right, hold
5&Step Right to right side, cross Left over Right
6&Step Right to right side, cross Left behind Right
7&Step Right to right side, cross Left over Right
8Step Right to right side (Weight on Right)
Section 8: Step Left, hold, behind, hold, syncopated weave.
1 – 2Step Left to left side, hold
3 – 4Step Right behind Left, hold
5&Step Left to left side, cross Right over Left
6&Step Left to left side, cross Right behind Left
7&Step Left to left side, cross Right over Left
8Step Left to left side (weight on Left)
Contact: regandrene@btinternet.com