Advanced - WCS feel
Count In: 32 counts from start of track. Approx 120bpm.
[1 - 9] R hitch, slide, L behind sweeping R, R behind, L ball, R cross, ¼ turn L walking L, R, L mambo into ¼ L
1 2 3Hitch right knee (1), take big step to right side sliding left towards right (2), step left behind right as you release & sweep right foot (3) 12.00
4 & 5Cross right behind left (4), step ball of left to left side (&), cross right over left (5) (styling: as you do ‘ball cross’ bend knees & dip slightly) 12.00
6 7Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (6), step forward right (7), 9.00
8 & 1Rock forward on left (8), recover weight to right (&), make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side (1), 6.00
[10 - 17] Touch R, step R, kick L ball walk R-L-R, step fwd L, pivot ¼ turn R, L cross
2 3 4Touch right next to left (2), step right to right side (3), kick left foot forward (4) 6.00
& 5 6 7Step in place on ball of left (&), step forward right (5), step forward left (6), step forward right (7) 6.00
8 & 1Step forward left (8), pivot ¼ turn right (&) cross left over right (1) 9.00
[18 - 25] Big step R slide L, L behind , R side ball rock, R cross, L side, R behind, L side ball rock
2 3Take big step to right side (2), hold as you slide left towards right (3), 9.00
4 & 5Cross left behind right (4), rock ball of right to right side (&), recover weight to left (5) 9.00
6 7 8 & 1Cross right over left (6), step left to left side (7), cross right behind left (8), rock ball of left to left side (&), recover weight to right (1) 9.00
[26 - 32] L cross, R side, L sailor with ¼ turn into a ¾ paddle turn L
2 3Cross left over right (2), step right to right side (3), 9.00
4 & 5Cross left behind right (4), make 1/8 turn left stepping right next to left (&), make 1/8 turn left stepping forward on left (5) 6.00
&6&7&8PADDLE TURN LEFT: Step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (6), step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (7), step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (8)
Styling: Try not to make this regimented, make it a flowing circle as if dancing around a handbag on your left ;-) 9.00
[33 - 40] Side R, hip roll L, twist L heels-toes-heels, twist R heels-toes
1 2 3Step right to right side pushing hip right (1), make big circle anti-clockwise (L) for 2 counts ending with hip & weight right (2,3) 9.00
4&5 6 7Twist both heels left (4), twist both toes left (&), twist both heels left (5), twist both heels right (6), twist both toes right (7) 9.00
8Kick left foot forward 9.00
[41 - 48] Close L, R touch, R hitch, R behind, L touch, L hitch, L behind, R touch, R hitch, R behind, L shuffle ¼ L
& 1 & 2Step left next to right (&), touch right to right side (you could also do a low kick) (1), hitch right knee (&), cross right behind left (2) 9.00
3 & 4Touch left to left side (you could also do a low kick) (3), hitch left knee (&), cross left behind right (4) 9.00
5 & 6Touch right to right side (you could also do a low kick) (5), hitch right knee (&), cross right behind left (6) 9.00
7 & 8Step left to left side (7), step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (8) 6.00
[49 - 56] Step R, ¾ pivot L with R sweep, R cross, L back, R close, walk L-R-L
1 2 3Step forward right (1), pivot ¾ turn left transferring weight to left as you sweep right (2), hold and continue sweep with right (3) 9.00
4&5 6 7 8Cross right over left (4), step back on left (&), step right next to left (5), step forward left (6), step forward right (7), step forward left (8) 9.00
[57 - 64] Heel-heel turn with ½ R, walk R-L, ¼ L with hip bumps, L ball, R cross, unwind ½ L
& 1Make ¼ turn right as you swivel right heel in towards left (&), make ¼ turn right as you swivel left heel out (1) weight ends left 3.00
2 3Step forward right (2), step forward left (3), 3.00
4&5&6Make ¼ turn left as you lift right foot bumping hips right & up (4), bump hips to centre as you touch right to right side (&) bump hips to right & down (5), bump hips to centre (&), bump hips to right & down (6) (4&5 is C hips. During 5&6 try to take knees in same direction) 12.00
& 7 8Step in place on ball of left (&), cross right over left (7), unwind ½ turn left taking weight to left (8) 6.00
Contacts: -
Rachael : www.dancewithrachael.com - Rachaeldance@me.com - Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933
Arjay: funkypatterns@yahoo.com
[1 - 9] R hitch, slide, L behind sweeping R, R behind, L ball, R cross, ¼ turn L walking L, R, L mambo into ¼ L
1 2 3Hitch right knee (1), take big step to right side sliding left towards right (2), step left behind right as you release & sweep right foot (3) 12.00
4 & 5Cross right behind left (4), step ball of left to left side (&), cross right over left (5) (styling: as you do ‘ball cross’ bend knees & dip slightly) 12.00
6 7Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (6), step forward right (7), 9.00
8 & 1Rock forward on left (8), recover weight to right (&), make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side (1), 6.00
[10 - 17] Touch R, step R, kick L ball walk R-L-R, step fwd L, pivot ¼ turn R, L cross
2 3 4Touch right next to left (2), step right to right side (3), kick left foot forward (4) 6.00
& 5 6 7Step in place on ball of left (&), step forward right (5), step forward left (6), step forward right (7) 6.00
8 & 1Step forward left (8), pivot ¼ turn right (&) cross left over right (1) 9.00
[18 - 25] Big step R slide L, L behind , R side ball rock, R cross, L side, R behind, L side ball rock
2 3Take big step to right side (2), hold as you slide left towards right (3), 9.00
4 & 5Cross left behind right (4), rock ball of right to right side (&), recover weight to left (5) 9.00
6 7 8 & 1Cross right over left (6), step left to left side (7), cross right behind left (8), rock ball of left to left side (&), recover weight to right (1) 9.00
[26 - 32] L cross, R side, L sailor with ¼ turn into a ¾ paddle turn L
2 3Cross left over right (2), step right to right side (3), 9.00
4 & 5Cross left behind right (4), make 1/8 turn left stepping right next to left (&), make 1/8 turn left stepping forward on left (5) 6.00
&6&7&8PADDLE TURN LEFT: Step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (6), step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (7), step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (8)
Styling: Try not to make this regimented, make it a flowing circle as if dancing around a handbag on your left ;-) 9.00
[33 - 40] Side R, hip roll L, twist L heels-toes-heels, twist R heels-toes
1 2 3Step right to right side pushing hip right (1), make big circle anti-clockwise (L) for 2 counts ending with hip & weight right (2,3) 9.00
4&5 6 7Twist both heels left (4), twist both toes left (&), twist both heels left (5), twist both heels right (6), twist both toes right (7) 9.00
8Kick left foot forward 9.00
[41 - 48] Close L, R touch, R hitch, R behind, L touch, L hitch, L behind, R touch, R hitch, R behind, L shuffle ¼ L
& 1 & 2Step left next to right (&), touch right to right side (you could also do a low kick) (1), hitch right knee (&), cross right behind left (2) 9.00
3 & 4Touch left to left side (you could also do a low kick) (3), hitch left knee (&), cross left behind right (4) 9.00
5 & 6Touch right to right side (you could also do a low kick) (5), hitch right knee (&), cross right behind left (6) 9.00
7 & 8Step left to left side (7), step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (8) 6.00
[49 - 56] Step R, ¾ pivot L with R sweep, R cross, L back, R close, walk L-R-L
1 2 3Step forward right (1), pivot ¾ turn left transferring weight to left as you sweep right (2), hold and continue sweep with right (3) 9.00
4&5 6 7 8Cross right over left (4), step back on left (&), step right next to left (5), step forward left (6), step forward right (7), step forward left (8) 9.00
[57 - 64] Heel-heel turn with ½ R, walk R-L, ¼ L with hip bumps, L ball, R cross, unwind ½ L
& 1Make ¼ turn right as you swivel right heel in towards left (&), make ¼ turn right as you swivel left heel out (1) weight ends left 3.00
2 3Step forward right (2), step forward left (3), 3.00
4&5&6Make ¼ turn left as you lift right foot bumping hips right & up (4), bump hips to centre as you touch right to right side (&) bump hips to right & down (5), bump hips to centre (&), bump hips to right & down (6) (4&5 is C hips. During 5&6 try to take knees in same direction) 12.00
& 7 8Step in place on ball of left (&), cross right over left (7), unwind ½ turn left taking weight to left (8) 6.00
Contacts: -
Rachael : www.dancewithrachael.com - Rachaeldance@me.com - Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933
Arjay: funkypatterns@yahoo.com