Beginner Plus
Step, Ball, Step, Step, Scuff
1&2Step forward on R, step on ball of L beside R, step forward on R
3-4Step forward on L, scuff R
Step, Ball, Step, Step, Scuff
5&6Step forward on R, step on ball of L beside R, step forward on R
7-8Step forward on L, scuff R
Hip Bumps, Step and Touch
9-12Bump hips forward twice, back twice
13-14Step back on R, touch L beside R
15-16Step back on L, touch R beside L
Rolling Vines Right and Left with Claps
17-18-19&20Make ¼ turn right on R, ¼ turn right onto L, ½ turn right onto R, touch L beside R &clap twice
21-22-23&24Make ¼ turn left on L, ¼ turn left onto R, ½ turn left onto L, touch R beside L & clap twice
Kick Ball Change Twice
25&26Kick R forward, step on ball of R beside L, step on L
27&28Kick R forward, step on ball of R beside L, step on L
½ Pivot, ¼ PIvot
29-30Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn left onto L
31-32Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn left onto L
Optional Ending
You will end the last full sequence facing the 9 o’clock wall
To finish facing 12 o’clock add:
Step, Ball Step, Step, ¼ Turn, Slide
1&2Step forward on R, step on ball of L beside R, step forward on R
3-4Step forward on left making a ¼ turn right, slide R beside L.
Contact: robmckean@rogers.com
Last Revision - 5th June 2013
1&2Step forward on R, step on ball of L beside R, step forward on R
3-4Step forward on L, scuff R
Step, Ball, Step, Step, Scuff
5&6Step forward on R, step on ball of L beside R, step forward on R
7-8Step forward on L, scuff R
Hip Bumps, Step and Touch
9-12Bump hips forward twice, back twice
13-14Step back on R, touch L beside R
15-16Step back on L, touch R beside L
Rolling Vines Right and Left with Claps
17-18-19&20Make ¼ turn right on R, ¼ turn right onto L, ½ turn right onto R, touch L beside R &clap twice
21-22-23&24Make ¼ turn left on L, ¼ turn left onto R, ½ turn left onto L, touch R beside L & clap twice
Kick Ball Change Twice
25&26Kick R forward, step on ball of R beside L, step on L
27&28Kick R forward, step on ball of R beside L, step on L
½ Pivot, ¼ PIvot
29-30Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn left onto L
31-32Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn left onto L
Optional Ending
You will end the last full sequence facing the 9 o’clock wall
To finish facing 12 o’clock add:
Step, Ball Step, Step, ¼ Turn, Slide
1&2Step forward on R, step on ball of L beside R, step forward on R
3-4Step forward on left making a ¼ turn right, slide R beside L.
Contact: robmckean@rogers.com
Last Revision - 5th June 2013