High Improver
Start on vocals
Section 1: Dwight step travelling to the R x2, R side flick, touch, R side flick, step R fwd
1-2Swivel L heel to the R touching R toes beside L, swivel L toes to the R touching R heel forward
3-4Swivel L heel to the R touching R toes beside L, swivel L toes to the R touching R heel forward
5-8R side flick, touch R beside L, R side flick, step R forward
Section 2: L kick fwd, L back step, point R behind, step R fwd, stomp L beside R, R swivet, hold
1-4L kick forward, L back step, point R behind L, step R forward
5-8Stomp L beside R, with weight on L ball and R heel, swivel toes of both feet to the R, return to centre, holdht. Return to centre With weight on ball of Left and Right heel swivel toes of both feet to the Right. Return to centre
Section 3: Dwight step travelling to the L x2, L side flick, touch, L side flick, step L fwd
1-2Swivel R heel to the L touching L toes beside R, swivel R toes to the L touching L heel forward
3-4Swivel R heel to the L touching L toes beside R, swivel R toes to the L touching L heel forward
5-8L side flick, touch L beside R, L side flick, step L forward
Section 4: R kick fwd, R back step, point L behind, step L fwd, stomp R beside L, L swivet, hold
1-4R kick forward, R back step, point L behind R, step L forward
5-8Stomp R beside L, with weight on R ball and L heel, swivel toes of both feet to the L, return to centre, holdWith
Section 5: R stomp to the R, hold x2, L slow sailor step with ¼ T to the L ending with a stomp, hold X2
1-3R stomp to the R, hold x2
4-6Cross L behind R (on ball of L feet) , ¼ T to the L and step R to the R (on ball of R feet), stomp L slightly fwd
7-8Hold x2
Section 6: R stomp to the R, hold x2, L slow sailor step with ¼ T to the L ending with a stomp, hold X2
1-3R stomp to the R, hold x2
4-6Cross L behind R (on ball of L feet) , ¼ T to the L and step R to the R (on ball of R feet), stomp L slightly fwd
7-8Hold x2
Section 7: R & L heel struts fwd, R monterey turn
1-4R heel forward, drop R ball, L heel forward, drop L ball
5-8Point R to R side, R ½ T on ball of L foot stepping R foot beside L, point L to L side, L beside R
Section 8: R flick, step R fwd (slightly cross), L heel fwd, hold, L flick, step L fwd (slightly cross), R heel fwd, hold
1-2R flick (R back diagonal), step R forward (slightly cross)
3-4L heel forward (L diagonal), hold
5-6L flick (L back diagonal), step L forward (slightly cross)
7-8R heel forward (R diagonal), hold
Section 9: Cross R over L, point L to the L with snap, cross L over R, point R to the R with snap, R jazz-box making a ¼ T to the R
1-4Cross R over L, point L to the L with snap, cross L over R, point R to the R with snap
5-8Cross R over L, step L behind, ¼ Turn to the R and step R forward, step L forward
Section 10: R jazz-box making a ¼ T to the R
1-4Cross R over L, step L behind, ¼ Turn to the R and step R forward, step L forward
Final: Wall 7, dance the first 8 sections, the first 4 counts of section 9 and then make a basic R jazz-box (without ¼ T)
Have fun with this dance...
Contact: countryscal@orange.fr
Section 1: Dwight step travelling to the R x2, R side flick, touch, R side flick, step R fwd
1-2Swivel L heel to the R touching R toes beside L, swivel L toes to the R touching R heel forward
3-4Swivel L heel to the R touching R toes beside L, swivel L toes to the R touching R heel forward
5-8R side flick, touch R beside L, R side flick, step R forward
Section 2: L kick fwd, L back step, point R behind, step R fwd, stomp L beside R, R swivet, hold
1-4L kick forward, L back step, point R behind L, step R forward
5-8Stomp L beside R, with weight on L ball and R heel, swivel toes of both feet to the R, return to centre, holdht. Return to centre With weight on ball of Left and Right heel swivel toes of both feet to the Right. Return to centre
Section 3: Dwight step travelling to the L x2, L side flick, touch, L side flick, step L fwd
1-2Swivel R heel to the L touching L toes beside R, swivel R toes to the L touching L heel forward
3-4Swivel R heel to the L touching L toes beside R, swivel R toes to the L touching L heel forward
5-8L side flick, touch L beside R, L side flick, step L forward
Section 4: R kick fwd, R back step, point L behind, step L fwd, stomp R beside L, L swivet, hold
1-4R kick forward, R back step, point L behind R, step L forward
5-8Stomp R beside L, with weight on R ball and L heel, swivel toes of both feet to the L, return to centre, holdWith
Section 5: R stomp to the R, hold x2, L slow sailor step with ¼ T to the L ending with a stomp, hold X2
1-3R stomp to the R, hold x2
4-6Cross L behind R (on ball of L feet) , ¼ T to the L and step R to the R (on ball of R feet), stomp L slightly fwd
7-8Hold x2
Section 6: R stomp to the R, hold x2, L slow sailor step with ¼ T to the L ending with a stomp, hold X2
1-3R stomp to the R, hold x2
4-6Cross L behind R (on ball of L feet) , ¼ T to the L and step R to the R (on ball of R feet), stomp L slightly fwd
7-8Hold x2
Section 7: R & L heel struts fwd, R monterey turn
1-4R heel forward, drop R ball, L heel forward, drop L ball
5-8Point R to R side, R ½ T on ball of L foot stepping R foot beside L, point L to L side, L beside R
Section 8: R flick, step R fwd (slightly cross), L heel fwd, hold, L flick, step L fwd (slightly cross), R heel fwd, hold
1-2R flick (R back diagonal), step R forward (slightly cross)
3-4L heel forward (L diagonal), hold
5-6L flick (L back diagonal), step L forward (slightly cross)
7-8R heel forward (R diagonal), hold
Section 9: Cross R over L, point L to the L with snap, cross L over R, point R to the R with snap, R jazz-box making a ¼ T to the R
1-4Cross R over L, point L to the L with snap, cross L over R, point R to the R with snap
5-8Cross R over L, step L behind, ¼ Turn to the R and step R forward, step L forward
Section 10: R jazz-box making a ¼ T to the R
1-4Cross R over L, step L behind, ¼ Turn to the R and step R forward, step L forward
Final: Wall 7, dance the first 8 sections, the first 4 counts of section 9 and then make a basic R jazz-box (without ¼ T)
Have fun with this dance...
Contact: countryscal@orange.fr